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发布时间:2023-10-08 04:08:50


Conversation 1
M: I went to Professor Smith’s office to turn in my paper yesterday, but I found the door was locked.
W: Why did you go there yesterday It was Saturday.
M: Well, you told me to hand it in on Saturday.
W: I said nothing of the sort. What I actually said was you had to turn in your paper by Friday.
M: Oh, really That’s too bad. Professor Smith will be mad at me since I have been late in turning in my homework for a few times this term already.
W: Oh, he will understand. It’s not easy for you to study and work part time as well. But you do need to give him an apology.
M: Yes, I’ll do that.

When did the man go to the professor’s office to turn in his paper()
A. On Friday.
B. On Saturday.
C. On Sunday
D. On Monday.

更多"Conversation 1 [听力原文]6-7 M: I w"的相关试题:


Conversation 1
M: I went to Professor Smith’s office to turn in my paper yesterday, but I found the door was locked.
W: Why did you go there yesterday It was Saturday.
M: Well, you told me to hand it in on Saturday.
W: I said nothing of the sort. What I actually said was you had to turn in your paper by Friday.
M: Oh, really That’s too bad. Professor Smith will be mad at me since I have been late in turning in my homework for a few times this term already.
W: Oh, he will understand. It’s not easy for you to study and work part time as well. But you do need to give him an apology.
M: Yes, I’ll do that.

Why did the man think the professor would be angry with him()
A. Because he failed the exam for a few times.
B. Because he had been late in turning in his homework for a few times.
C. Because he spent too much time on his part-time job.
D. Because he didn’t work har

Conversation 2
M: How much are the carnations and the roses
W: One dollar for each carnation and (9)one and a half for each red rose.
M: (9)Then I’d like a dozen red carnations and half a dozen red roses.
W: I bet it’s for your mother, (8)as it’s Mother’s Day today.
M: Well, not completely true. (8)It happens to be her birthday.
W: Oh, really I guess she must be very happy to receive these beautiful carnations from you.
M: Yeah, she will. She really likes flowers. So I buy her some every year. I’d just wish they would stay fresh longer than they do.
W: (10)Put a little sugar and vitamin C in the water. They’ll stay fresh for days.
M: Really I’ll tell my mother. And thanks for your suggestion.
W: That’s all right. Happy birthday to your mother!

What day is it today()
A. Birthday of the man’s mother.
B. Mother’s Day.
C. Mother’s Day and the birthday of the man’s mother.
D. Mother’s Day and the lady’s birthday.

Conversation 2
M: What a beautiful site! Surrounded by mountains. I saw those nice buildings over there. Are they the tombs
W: No, they are an ancient king’s palace.
M: What a magnificent hall! When was it built
W: (8) It was built at the beginning of the Ming dynasty, that is, in the early years of the fifteenth century.
M: But it’s still in excellent condition, (8) considering that it was built almost 600 years ago. Could I lake a few pictures of it
W: Of course, you are welcome to do so. (9) Now there is a big lake behind the buildings.
M: It’s nice there. Look, a lot of people are boating on the lake. All of the flowers are in full bloom. What a charming place!
W: Let’s climb up the hill. (10) We can get a fine view of the city from the hilltop.
M: Oh, the views from tile hilltop are magnificent.
W: There’s a beautiful garden over the hill.

A. At the beginning of the Ming Dynasty.
B. In the early years of the fifteenth century.
C. Almost 600 years ago.
D. All of the above.


Conversation 1
W: National Theatre Box office.
M: Have you got any tickets for The Godfather for this Sunday evening
W: Which performance 6:00 P.m. or 9:30 P.m.
M: 9:30 P.m. please.
W: Sorry, that performance is sold out.
M: Well. have you got any tickets for the 6:00 P.m. performance
W: Yes, we have.
M: I’d like to reserve two seats, please.
W: Right. That’s two tickets on Sunday 6:00 P.m. performance. What’s the name please
M: Smith. Adam, Smith.

What does the man want to do()
A. He wants to book tickets for a film.
B. He wants to invite the woman to see a film.
C. He wants to book tickets for a fashion show.
D. He wants to invite the woman to see a performance.

Conversation 2
[听力原文] 8-10
W: Good afternoon. ABC company. May I help you
M: Yes. may I speak to Mr. James Potter. please
W: I’m afraid Mr. James Potter isn’t available right now. Would you like to leave a message
M: This is Martin Richard with Sun Electronics. It’s very important that he returns my call this afternoon.
W: Does he have your office number and your mobile phone number
M: I think so. but let me give them to you again.
W: Okay.
M: My office number is 714-888-3765; my cell phone number is 909-333-8739. He can reach me at my office number before 6:00 p. m. or anytime today on my mobile.
W: Very well. I’ll give him your message as soon as he returns to the office.

At what time can Mr. James Potter call Martin Richard on his mobile()
A. Before 6:00 p. m.
B. After 6:00 p. m.
C. Anytime that day.
D. Anytime.


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