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发布时间:2023-10-21 10:31:39

[简答题]Whatever your individual need, you can be sure that by the age of thirty you will have slept for a total of more than twelve years. (Passage 2)

更多"Whatever your individual need, you "的相关试题:

[简答题]Whatever your individual need, you can be sure that by the age of thirty you will have slept for a total of more than twelve years. (Passage 2)
[填空题]I’m sure you can ______ (find) what you want in our shop.
[填空题]If you want to interpret your dreams, you can refer to your dream dictionary.
[填空题]If you know how to manage your work, you can work effectively. Firstly, keep your desk tidy and all your files (11) . This will help you find your files easily every time you need them. Secondly, you need to make a list of the things that you have to do every day, from the most important thing to the (12) important one. Moreover, it is suggested that you finish one task (13) before moving on to the next. Thirdly, it is important to take a (14) after you go home. If you have enough rest, you will feel (15) the following day and it will really help you manage your work effectively.
[单项选择]I’m sure you can’t carry all that ______. Let me give you a hand.
A. for yourself
B. of yourself
C. in yourself
D. to yourself
[单项选择]Whatever your business, you can no longer hide from the intense glare of stakeholders. The Internet has given employees, business partners, customers, shareholders and local and global neighbors unprecedented power to know what you and your company are up to. If you are abusing employees or the quality of your product has suffered or you’re keeping important data from your suppliers or shareholders, you can count on that getting out via the Internet and coming back to bite you. Armed with such knowledge, your shareholders can jump right back online to spread the word, organize response, and, eventually, determine the fate of your company. How can you avoid becoming an unwitting target For starters, your company had better have great products and fair prices, because everyone will know instantly if it doesn’t. But you’ve got to keep the confidence of all your stakeholders ——not just customers or shareholders —— with honesty, accountability, consideration, and, above all, transparency.
A. to have an intense look at each other’s business secrets.
B. to be able to take important data from the database.
C. to get access to his suppliers and clients easily.
D. to determine the fate of the other’s business.


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