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发布时间:2023-10-21 17:25:05

[填空题]It has been shown that nicotine in cigarettes can improve people’s abilities to perform some actions more quickly.

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[填空题]It has been shown that nicotine in cigarettes can improve people’s abilities to perform some actions more quickly.

[单项选择]Study after study has shown what has come to be known as an "empathy gap" in people. In its simplest form, this means that when we are happy we have trouble identifying with someone who is sad, or when we’re angry we have difficulty understanding why someone is content. Basically, our ability to empathise with another person is dependent on the state we ourselves are in, and this has some interesting implications for public policy.
A recent study by Loran Nordgren of Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management, Mary-Hunter Morris of Harvard Law School, and George Loewenstein of Carnegie Mellon University, examined the empathy gap with regard to torture policy. Man’s propensity to turn monster has long been of interest to behaviourists and psychologists. Witness Philip Zimbardo’s prison experiment, or Stanley Milgram’s shock experiment. Both of those studies, along with many others, support the idea that our actions depend as much on context as on any inherent dispositio
A. We are hostile to those who win over us in sports competition.
B. We share our happiness and bear infliction in the road toward success.
C. We bring our fury under control when other people rebuke us.
D. We believe there is neither everlasting friendship nor eternal enmity.
[单项选择]Gastric bypass surgery has been shown to be effective at helping extremely obese people lose weight. Some patients have lost as much as 300 pounds after undergoing the surgery, thereby substantially prolonging their lives. Despite the success of the treatment, most doctors have not embraced the surgery as a weight loss option.
Which of the following statements, if true, best accounts for the lukewarm reaction of the medical community to gastric bypass surgery ?()
A. Gastric bypass surgery carries a high risk of serious complications, including death.
B. Obesity is one of the leading contributors to heart disease and hypertension, two leading causes of death.
C. Obesity rates among the American population have been increasing consistently for the last three decades.
D. Many patients report that losing weight through diets is ineffective, since they usually gain the weight back within six months.
E. Most health insurance plans will cover the cost of gastric bypass surgery for morbidly obese patients at high risk of heart disease.
[填空题]Tests have shown that odours can help people recognise the ______ belonging to their husbands and wives.


A computer model has been developed that can predict what word you are thinking of. (41) Researchers led by Tom Mitchell of Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, "trained" a computer model to recognize the patterns of brain activity associated with 60 images, each of which represented a different noun, such as "celery" or "aeroplane".
(42) . Words such as "hammer", for example, axe known to cause movement-related areas of the brain to light up; on the other hand, the word "castle" triggers activity in regions that process spatial information. Mitchell and his colleagues also knew that different nouns are associated more often with some verbs than with others--the verb "eat", for example, is more likely to be found in conjunction with "celery" than with "aeroplane". The researchers designed the model to try and use these semantic links to work out how the brain


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