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发布时间:2023-10-07 14:30:38

[填空题]Before leaving, the speaker and his family got information from the Internet and a ______.

更多"Before leaving, the speaker and his"的相关试题:

[单项选择]It looks ()the family has got a lot of problems.
A. as long as
B. as if
C. while
D. though
[单项选择]What did Cornell do before making his work of art
A. He explored the night life of New York.
B. He collected used boxes from the streets.
C. He joined many art-related activities.
D. He organized an artistic group.
[单项选择]() before, his first performance for the amateur dramatic group was a success.
A. Though having never acted
B. As he had never acted
C. Despite he had never acted
D. In spite of his never having acted
[单项选择]______ any film before, his first attempt was a great success.
[填空题]Before his death, the famous philosopher told his friends that he loved his teacher but he loved truth (much) ______
[简答题]Before his departure, he was advised by his parents to______(尽快适应新的环境).

[填空题]Because his family couldn’t afford his education fee, Jim had to________________(辍学).
[单项选择]Before his death last year, Professor Johnson decided that he()leave $ 2,000,000 to his university.
A. can
B. would
C. may
D. shall
[单项选择]Malcolm Little had several names before his life ended in assassination in a New York theatre in 1965. As a youthful hustler, petty thief and drug-dealer he was "Detroit Red". As a pious Sunni Muslim he became E1-Hajj Malik E1-Shabazz. But in most memories he remains Malcolm X, the charismatic public face of the Nation of Islam, which preached that whites were devils and that black separatism was the answer to America’s problems of race.
Whatever the name, Malcolm’s short life (he was slain at 39) makes a fascinating story and is told well by Manning Marable, director of Columbia University’s Institute for Research in African- American Studies, who sadly died a few days before his book was published this week. The fascination lies in the evolution of Malcolm’s beliefs: from the black nationalism and pan-Africanism of Marcus Garvey through the black separatism of the Nation of Islam to the colour-blind embrace of orthodox Islam. The tale includes the burning down of Malcolm’s child
A. Malcolm was assassinated because he was extremely violent.
B. Malcolm had a firm belief in Sunni, one branch of Islamic religion.
C. Malcolm had a favorable public image in the nation of Islam.
D. Malcolm preached that Black separatism was the solution to racism.


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