Academic Freedom refers to the right of teachers and researchers, particularly in colleges and universities, to investigate their respective fields of knowledge and express their views without fear of restraint or dismissal from office. The right rests on the assumption that open and free inquiry within a teacher’s or researcher’s field of study is essential to the pursuit of knowledge and to the performance of his or her proper educational function. At present this right is observed generally in countries in which education is regarded as a means not only of pouring in established views but also of enlarging the existing body of knowledge. The concept of academic freedom implies also that a teacher’s employment depends primarily on the competence of teachers in their fields rather than on irrelevant considerations such as political or religious beliefs or attachments.
The concept and practice of academic freedom, as recognized presently in Western civil
Passage Three
According to the best historical and archaeological evidence, it is estimated that it took about 800 thousand to 1 million years for the earth's population to reach the 250 total which existed at the end of the first century 'after Christ. For some time after that, disease, famine, and war kept the population increase down to a fraction of 1 percent a year so that more than 15 centuries passed before the population reached 500 million. But in the next 250 years, up to 1850, the population of the world shot up to the 1 billion mark, and today it has reached 3 billion. It is predicted by United Nations investigators that in the next 35 years the population of the world will double. When experts are asked what the most effective measure which overpopulation poses, they reply that at least three measur A. 800 thousand B. 1 million C. 250 million D. 500 million 我来回答: 提交