更多"When it comes to noise cancelling h"的相关试题:
[单项选择]When it comes to noise cancelling headphones, sometimes the best offense is a good defense. While there are plenty of active noise cancelling headphones that use a complex (and pricey) method to block distracting sounds, there are simpler ways. How about headphones with a snug fit that simply plug up your ear canals
This process is called passive isolation. It’s not uncommon for a consumer faced with the choice between the descriptors "passive" and "active" to choose the stronger-sounding technology, but great passive isolation can be just as effective and cost a lot less.
The AKG K323 XS headphones ($59 MSRP. are just such a pair. Sleek and portable, they produce a huge sound marked with prominent bass, supportive mids, and very healthy highs. They’re also the best Passive isolators that we’ve tested in a long time.
Like most in-ears, the XS headphones are quite small and simply designed, available in white, blue, orange, yellow, green—the list goes on. The Android vers
A. The tiny shape, feathery frame and little carrying case.
B. Its sleekness and portability.
C. The simple design and various colors.
D. Its qualified cable and different sizes.
[单项选择]We had to ( ) a lot of noise when the children were at home.
A. come up with
B. catch up with
C. put up with
D. keep up with
[单项选择]We had to ______ a lot of noise when the children were at home.
A. go in for
B. hold on to
C. put up with
D. keep pace with
[单项选择]When some dishonest journalists cannot get facts for their stories, they simply draw on their ______.
A. memories
B. images
C. imaginations
D. minds
[单项选择]When some nineteenth-century New Yorkers said "Harlem", they meant almost all of Manhattan above Eighty-sixth Street. Toward the end of the century, however, a group of citizens in upper Manhattan—wanting, perhaps, to shape a closer and more precise sense of community— designated a section that they wished to be known as Harlem. The chosen area was the Harlem to which Blacks were moving in the first decades of the new century as they left their old settlements on the middle and lower blocks of the West Side.
As the community became predominantly Black, the very word "Harlem" seemed to lose its old meaning. At times, it was easy to forget that "Harlem" was originally the Dutch name "Harrlem", that the community it described had been founded by people from Holland; and that for most cites three centuries—it was first settled in the sixteen hundred it had been occupied by White New Yorkers. "Harlem" became synonymous with Black life and Black style in Manhattan. Blacks living there
A. The migration of the blacks to Harlem.
B. The origin of the word "Harrlem".
C. Harlem the symbol for liberty and promised land to the negroes.
D. The history of black Harlem.
When some 19th New Yorkers said "Harlem", they meant
all of Manhattan above 86th Street. Toward the end of the
however, a group of citizens in upper Manhattan want, perhaps, to
62. ______
shape a closer and more precise sense
of community designated a
section that they wished to have known as Harlem.
The chosen area
was the Harlem which Blacks were moving in the first decades
of the 63. ______
new century as they left their old
settlements on the middle and lower
blocks of the West Side.
As the community became predominantly Black, the very word
seemed to lose its old mean. At times it was easy to forget
64. ______
that "Harlem" was originally the Dutch name "Harlem", the
65. ______
it described had been founded by people from Holland,
and that for most of
its three centuries--it was first settled in the
sixteen hundreds--it had