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发布时间:2024-02-10 20:04:51

[单项选择]The decision of the city government has actually worsened the traffic situation in that city.
A. aggravated
B. aggrandized
C. alarmed
D. revitalized

更多"The decision of the city government"的相关试题:

[填空题]The city government’s decision to close down the chemical plant has met with the (approve) of local residents.
[单项选择]The local government’s decision to reduce unemployment benefit enraged people so much that they()violent protest.
A. seek for
B. turned up
C. accounted for
D. resorted to
[单项选择]Passage TwoA. Communication actually takes place when the message is received.
B. There are more means of receiving than of sending communications.
C. Reception of communication involves use of the senses.
D. It is hard to organize by typing the means of sending communication.

The Newhouse shelter in Kansas City has helped thousands of abused women and their children over the past 37 years. But last month, the women were forced to move out and the staff started looking for new jobs. The reason was simple. While the need was there, the money was not. Dwindling charitable contributions tied to a broad U.S. economic slowdown mean fewer resources and hard choices for charities across the country.
"People are holding tight to their money," said Newhouse President Leslie Caplan, who estimated charitable contributions were down $200,000 this year compared to last year. That, combined with cuts in government grants, has severely squeezed the center’s $1.3 million budget.
As Americans struggling with rising unemployment and home foreclosures turn to charities for help, charities themselves are running into financial difficulties as donations dwindle. They are being forced to increase their outreach, hold more fund-raising
A. the problem of unemployment worsened in U. S.
B. U. S. charities are affected by weak economy
C. gender discrimination is still a big issue in U. S. job market
D. the future for U.S. economy is grey

[填空题]The city has a big bridge.
______in the city.

[单项选择]For many years the city has been a business center with hotel accomodation mainly for businessmen together with other ______ travellers and completely inadequate for the swarms of short-stay tourists landing in the city.
A. affluent
B. agonistic
C. afferent
D. amicable

Every city has its museums and you would be forgiven for thinking they are rather boring. In reality nothing could be further from the truth — particularly when you visit the Manchester Museum in the city of the same name.
In fact if you are looking for somewhere to take the kids for the day, this is the ideal place to try. All you have to do is mention the words mummies (木乃伊) and dinosaurs to them and they are guaranteed to want to find out more!
While the museum does all it can to draw in the attention of kids of all ages, it does a pretty good job at fascinating the adults as well. There is a whole section about Ancient Egypt (where you will find the mummies) which is rich in history and incredible information. The displays even go back as far as prehistoric (史前的) Egypt.
You might also be surprised to know that the Manchester Museum is home to more than 17,000 different coins. These are obviously not the kind of coins we use today, but rather thos
A. the mummies and coins
B. the mummies and vivarium
C. the mummies and dinosaurs
D. the coins and vivarium

[简答题]A medium-sized city has two major industries: financial services and manufacturing of electronic equipment. Suppose that restrictions on interstate competition in the market for financial services lead to a large expansion of the financial services sector in the city. (a)What effect do you predict that this increase in jobs would have oil wages and housing prices in the city (b)What effect do you think there would be on the manufacturing sector in the city Would you expect that manufacturing employment would rise or fall

M: I can hardly believe that city has a population of 800,000.
W: To be more exact, there are 813,400 people there.

What is the population of that city ( )
A. 800,000.
B. 813,000.
C. 813,400.

The city has several railway stations.
()several railway stations in the city.


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