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发布时间:2023-11-27 01:02:13

{{B}}TEXT D{{/B}}

Dear Sir,
After reading some of the letters printed in this newspaper, I’m beginning to believe that the carbon monoxide in this city’s air during the past year has already affected some people’s ability to think straight.
The proposal for limiting the use of ears seems fair and reasonable to me. I can’t feel that it will produce any real suffering on the part of motorists, who sometimes seem to put their rights to drive above the public’s right to breathe.
Surely everyone understand that it would be worse to have to wear gas masks in our city than to ride buses or trains. After all, breathing is necessary, and we might all breathe more easily ff we could reduce the amount of pollution in our air,

In writing this letter the author is ______.
A. disagreeing with a proposal
B. criticizing a proposal
C. supporting a proposal
D. putting forward a proposal

更多"{{B}}TEXT D{{/B}} Dear Sir, Afte"的相关试题:

{{B}}TEXT D{{/B}}

Dear Sir,
After reading some of the letters printed in this newspaper, I’m beginning to believe that the carbon monoxide in this city’s air during the past year has already affected some people’s ability to think straight.
The proposal for limiting the use of ears seems fair and reasonable to me. I can’t feel that it will produce any real suffering on the part of motorists, who sometimes seem to put their rights to drive above the public’s right to breathe.
Surely everyone understand that it would be worse to have to wear gas masks in our city than to ride buses or trains. After all, breathing is necessary, and we might all breathe more easily ff we could reduce the amount of pollution in our air,

The letters referred to in the first paragraph must have ______.
A. complained that carbon monoxide had affected their own ability to think
B. complained that carbon monoxide had affected other people’s ability think
C. opposed the limiting of the use of cars
D. proposed the limiting of the use of cars

Dear Sir or Madam,
With reference to your advertisement in China Dally on April 28th, 20(0, I am writing to express my in terest in applying for the captioned post.
I am presently a programmer at Success Securities. Ltd. , and my 2-year contract will expire soon. By ap plying for the post I am looking forward to switching to a larger, more sophisticated and more computerized company so that I can enrich myself to meet the challenges that a large company pose.
Please refer to the enclosed resume for the technical details of my past duties. I would be available for an interview at your convenience. Thank you for your attention to this application.
Yours truly,

Where does he find the advertisement ()
Dear Sir or Madam,
Please accept our thanks for your prompt response to our letter of August 28 regarding joint venture.
We wish to state that the amount of our investment will be around 2 to 2.5 million U.S. dollars, partly in the form of cash and partly in equipment. As to the project site, we agree with you because Shanghai offers better conditions for shipment, transportation, communication and banking. This city will be especially suitable for exporting glass after the factory, in question is completed and starts production.
As joint venture involves complicated procedures, especially in the legal aspects, we should appreciate your providing us more details so that we can proceed with the matter further.
If you think a meeting between us will help settle the existing problems between us, we will send our deputy director, Mr. Brown, to call on you to reach an agreement at an early date.
We are looking forward to y

The Visa officer
Dear Sir,
I enclose the completed application form for an entry visa to enable Mr. Dickson, the sales director of this company, to visit Thailand.
Mr. Dickson will be leaving London on 5th August for a business tour of the Far East and, subject to issues of the necessary visa, proposes to arrive in Bangkok on August 7th or 8th and to stay for about fourteen days, when he will leave for Singapore. His address in Bangkok will be the Dalmeny Hotel.
The purpose of Mr. Dickson’s visit to Thailand is to gain information about recent developments in education there, with special reference to the use of our publications. He intends to visit departments of education, the universities, commercial and technical colleges and other educational organizations, and to call on the leading booksellers. My company would guarantee Mr. Dickson’s financial security during his stay in Thailand and payment of all expenses he may incur.

[填空题]Dear Sir or Madam,
This is Chrissie Snow from Administrative Department. I have worked here for 6 months (1) May 2, 2008. I am always working very hard in my post and doing my best to pursue perfection.
I love our company, and I (2) I could have long-term development here. Therefore, I want to know the company (3) . As the Market Department is the leading department, which is (4) the main business, I want to enter this department to learn more. I (5) I will work as hard in the new department as in my current department. I desperately expect your permission!
Sincerely yours,
Chrissie SnowDear Sir or Madam,
This is Chrissie Snow from Administrative Department. I have worked here for 6 months (1) May 2, 2008. I am always working very hard in my post and doing my best to pursue perfection.
I love our company, and I (2) I could have long-term development here. Therefore,


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