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发布时间:2023-10-23 12:21:30


M: Hello, Kate.
W: Hi, Mike. Did you have a good summer holiday
M: Sure. I went for my holiday on my uncle’s farm.
W: Really What interesting things did you do there
M: I helped get in some rice, take care of the fruit garden and drive the tractor.
W: Drive a tractor
M: Yes. It was easy to learn. Did you go away for your holiday, Kate
W: Oh, no. I just stayed at home. My mother has been in hospital. I had to look after her and help do some cooking and washing at home.
M: I’m sorry. Oh, it’s late. I must be off now.

Did the woman go away for her holiday ( )
A. No. Her mother has been in hospital.
B. Yes. She went to Italy.
C. No. She watched TV every day.

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M: Hello, Kate.
W: Hi, Mike. Did you have a good summer holiday
M: Sure. I went for my holiday on my uncle’s farm.
W: Really What interesting things did you do there
M: I helped get in some rice, take care of the fruit garden and drive the tractor.
W: Drive a tractor
M: Yes. It was easy to learn. Did you go away for your holiday, Kate
W: Oh, no. I just stayed at home. My mother has been in hospital. I had to look after her and help do some cooking and washing at home.
M: I’m sorry. Oh, it’s late. I must be off now.

What are they talking about ( )
A. Where to spend their holiday.
B. How to drive a tractor.
C. Their summer vacation.

M: Good evening.
M: Hello. Do you have any vacant rooms at your motel
W: I believe there may be one. Did you make a reservation in advance
M: No, we didn’ t.
W: Well, we just received word that one reservation has been cancelled, so you arrived at a good time.
M: I suppose so.. By the way, how much is the room
W: It’ s $ 50 with a color TV and an extra bedroom. We have a pool in the back.
M: That’ s good. We’ need the extra room for our three kids.
W: If this is OK, please step into out office to register.
M: Do you want the payment in advance
W: That’ s our policy. I’ m sure you understand.
M: Of course. What’ s the number of the unit
W: No. 60, on the third floor, over on the left. Here is the key.
M: Thank you. I’ ll park the car over there first. Then I’ ll come right over to register.
W: Certainly, sir.

A. At a motel.
B. At a hotel.
C. At a shopping center.
D. At a restaurant.

M: You speak very good English. Where did you learn it
F: I learned it by myself.

Where did the woman learn English()
A. At college.
B. At home.
C. In America.
[填空题]Henry: How many science courses did you have in high school Jane: ____________
[单项选择]Hi, Jason. How did you like the Fashion Show you saw last night ()
A. it was a waste of time.
B. No, I didn’t.
C. Yes, I did.
D. It lasts two hours.

M: Did you take these pictures They are very good.
W: Yes, I think they turned out very well too. I like to bring my camera with me wherever I go. That’s way if I see something attractive I can take a picture of it.
M: Carrying a big camera around is too much trouble for me.
W: My camera is really small enough. Here let me show you.
M: That is a compact camera. But you must know a lot about photography to get such professional looking results.
W: Not necessarily. This camera is simple to work. It has an automatic focus. I don’t even have to worry about focusing.
M: That’s what I need. When I take pictures, they usually come out blurry because I don’t adjust the lenses properly. And I hate photos that are out of focus. Is a camera like yours very expensive
W: Less than you’d expect. Why don’t you check the prices that Head Fields demonstrates This model was on sale there last week.

A. Looking at some photographs.
B. Selling cameras.
C. Teaching a photography class.
D. Repairing camera equipment.

[单项选择]Woman: Did you think it was a good play
Man: What I didn’t understand was the very beginning.
Question: What does the man mean( ).
A. He didn’t know how to begin to write a play.
B. He didn’t like plays very much in the past.
C. He didn’t want to talk about it right away.
D. He wasn’t sure what the first part was about.

W: What did you think of the movie Did you like it
M: Net molly, it was a little too artsy for me. It seemed like the director was trying so hard to impress us with strange close-ups and avant-garde dialogues that he forgot to include a story. I thought it was really boring.
W: I thought the movie was really thought-provoking, I love it when a movie makes you think. It’s a nice change from the superficial dialogue and two-dimensional characters you usually see in films these days.
M: I don’t really care for alternative films. They are so dark and depressing. The characters are always so intense. Why does a movie have to be sad to be deep
W: Yeah, I know what you mean, but mainstream cinema is nothing but gun fights and exploding cars. I get so sick of movies like that. I prefer movies with substance.
M: But sometimes you don’t want to think; sometimes you just want a light movie. Like that comedy movie with Billy Crystal&m
A. The close-ups are perfect.
B. The dialogues are easy to understand.
C. It’s not boring at all.
D. It doesn’t tell any story.

[单项选择]Man: How did you go to Canada, Jane Did you flyWoman: I was planning to, because it’s such a long trip by bus or by train. But Fred decided to drive and invited me to join him. It took us two days and a night.Question: What can we infer from the conversation
A. Fred is planning a trip to Canada.
B. Fred usually flies to Canada with Jane.
C. Fred persuaded Jane to change her mind.
D. Fred likes the beautiful scenery along the way to Canada.

M: Hi, Mary. Did you get a letter from your family
W: Not today. I just wrote them the day before yesterday so I am not really expecting to hear from them until next week. This is a telephone bill.

What did the woman say about a letter( ).
A. That she did not get a letter from her family today.
B. That she got a letter from her family two days ago.
C. That she got a letter from her family today.
D. That she doesn’t get any letter from her family.


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