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发布时间:2024-07-31 21:32:54

Why do people become too fat

It is indeed unfortunate that in our modern era of technologic and scientific achievement, there is no adequate explanation for a seemingly simple question: "why do people become too fat and what can be done to prevent it" about 50 million men and 60 million women between the ages of 18 and 79 are "too fat" and need to reduce excess weight. This amount to about 377 million kg of excess fat for men and 667 million kg for women, or a total of t044 million kg (2297 million 1b) for the United States adult population! If the overfat men and women dieted by consuming 600 fewer calories each day to reduce to a "normal" value of body fat (achievable in 68 days for men and 101 days for women), the reduced caloric intake would equal 5.7 trilling calories. Translating this into fossil fuel energy and considering such factors as the energy required to plant, cultivate, harvest, feed, proce
A. Right
B. Wrong
C. Not mentioned

更多"Why do people become too fat "的相关试题:

Why do people become too fat

It is indeed unfortunate that in our modern era of technologic and scientific achievement, there is no adequate explanation for a seemingly simple question: "why do people become too fat and what can be done to prevent it" about 50 million men and 60 million women between the ages of 18 and 79 are "too fat" and need to reduce excess weight. This amount to about 377 million kg of excess fat for men and 667 million kg for women, or a total of t044 million kg (2297 million 1b) for the United States adult population! If the overfat men and women dieted by consuming 600 fewer calories each day to reduce to a "normal" value of body fat (achievable in 68 days for men and 101 days for women), the reduced caloric intake would equal 5.7 trilling calories. Translating this into fossil fuel energy and considering such factors as the energy required to plant, cultivate, harvest, feed, proce
A. Right
B. Wrong
C. Not mentioned

[单项选择]Why do people nowadays become less active()
A. Because people are too lazy to do exercise.
B. Because people rely more on modem technology than on themselves.
C. Because people usually give up formal exercise.
D. Because people are too busy with their work and family.
[单项选择]Psychologists discovered that people become "motivated" when they know an experience is about to be completed.
The University of Michigan study found that this (31) to a person thinking the experience would end (32) . The findings, reported in the journal Psychological Science, could add (33) to the saying "leaving the best for last".
"Endings (34) us in lots of ways and one is this ’positivity effect’," said researcher Ed O’Brien, (35) led the study."It is something (36) . You think ’I might as well (37) the benefits of this experience even though it is going to end’ or ’I want to get something good out of this (38) I still can’". He added, "When you (39) tell people something is the last, they may like that thing more."
In their study, they (40) male and female students five small chocolates of different flavors before asking them to (41) their enjoyment as they ate. The fl
A. naturally
B. seemingly
C. simply
D. really


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