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发布时间:2023-10-21 17:24:38

[填空题]Penicillin()(make) from plant material that the body can absorb.

更多"Penicillin()(make) from plant mater"的相关试题:

[填空题]Penicillin()(make) from plant material that the body can absorb.
[填空题]Penicillin () (make) from plant material that the body can absorb.
[单项选择]What does an insectivorous plant get from an insect( ).
A. All of its nutrients.
B. Sensory bristles.
C. Nitrogen.
D. Digestive liquid.
[单项选择]A.They keep plant from getting warmth.
B.They are very cold and can freeze the plants.
C.They keep plant tissues from getting water.
D.They provide too much water for the plants.
[填空题]Complete the summary below using words from the box below.
Write your answers in boxes 35-40 on your answer sheet.
Improvement in technology has seen clocks develop from large, (35) mechanisms to very small gadgets. When new technologies arise, designs compete with one another. Sometimes, because one design is so (36) , it will replace all the others. However, it is not always the best design that wins. There is a theory that asserts the most (37) design wins even if it has no obvious advantage over the others. Once this design starts being (38) , its position in the market is (39) . That is why there seems to be no (40) explanation for some of the accepted designs that are commonplace today.
assured economic mass-produced
consistent exclusive obsolete
costly logical outstanding
domestic massive popular


Plants need green leaves to make food. A plant needs sunlight and carbon dioxide (二氧化碳) from the air for making food and it also needs water and salts from the soil to make food too. There are certain cells (细胞) in the leaves which change carbon dioxide and water into sugar. To do this the cells need energy, which they get from the sunlight.
Green leaves make food for the whole plant. A red leaf can make food too because under the red coloring of the leaf there are food-making cells. There are no leaves that are completely yellow, for they can’t make food.
The plant makes sugar for its food. In sunlight green leaves make a lot of sugar. The veins (叶脉) can’t carry all this sugar away, so the leaves change the sugar into starch (淀粉), which is kept and so stored in the leaves. At night, the starch change back to sugar. It is then carried away from the leaves. Some of the sugar is used as food by the plant while the rest is stored as starch. In so
A. How green plants make food.
B. How green plants make sugar.
C. How green plants get their energy.
D. How green plants change sugar into starch.
Newspaper publishers make money mainly from subscribers and advertisers. It’s been that way for centuries. But in the last few years an important new income stream has opened up for newspapers Among the pioneers is The Gazette Company in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, which since 1993 has been providing information to its readers delivered by both paper and, increasingly, the Web. "If a newspaper views itself as ink on paper, I don’t think it will survive," says Steve Hannah, vice president of information technology.
46) Online newspapers are a look into the future, and just pondering it raises the question of whether it isn’t nicer getting our daily news curled up in your favorite chair with your ballpoint pen handy to circle items of interests, or scissors ready to snip out articles you want to save. The Gazette Company is betting its subscribers want both electronic and paper options, and so far it seems to be right.
The rest of the world is


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