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发布时间:2024-07-30 18:07:44

[填空题]The Scottish economist believed that they can ______ growing cotton than making cloth.

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[填空题]The Scottish economist believed that they can () growing cotton than making cloth.

It is believed that climbing can build up the body. When it comes to some skills of climbing, mountain climbing will be the first choice for most people. Now many Americans are learning how to climb in gyms. Here, people can learn and practice on specially designed climbing walls. The climbing wall is vertical and has small holding places for hands and feet.
How do people climb the wall In order to climb, you need a pair of special shoes and a harness (保护带)around your chest to hold you. Ropes are tied to your harness, which hold you in place so that you don’t fall. There are small pieces of metal that protrude for you to stand on and hold on to. Sometimes it’s easy for one to see the new piece of metal, and sometimes it’s not. The most difficult section in climbing is probably to control your sense of fear. It’s normal for one to be afraid of falling, so it’s natural that you feel fear. But just remember when you move away from the wall, the
A. To tie ropes to your harness.
B. To find small pieces of metal.
C. To control your fear.
D. To climb to the top.

[单项选择]It is believed that today’s pop music can serve as a creative force()stimulating the thinking of its listeners.
A. by
B. with
C. at
D. on
[简答题] Pessimistic on poverty The Economist argued that the World Bank has overstated the extent of absolute poverty in the world -- that there is less poverty than the Bank claims and that it is falling faster. A methodological debate lies at the heart of this claim. The Bank relies as much as possible on nationally representative household surveys, typically done by governmental statistics offices following international standards. The Bank’’s latest estimates draw on interviews with about 1. 1 million randomly sampled households in 100 developing countries, representing 93% of the population of the developing world. The Bank’’s method of measuring poverty from surveys follows long-standing practices. But it is not the only possible approach. The Economist points to an alternative method that ignores data on levels of income or consumption from surveys. Instead the poverty measures are anchored to national accounts data, using the surveys only to


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