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发布时间:2023-10-23 13:54:43

[单项选择]Sharks have gained an unfair reputation for being fierce predators of large sea animals. Humanity’s unfounded fear and hatred of these ancient creatures is leading to a worldwide slaughter that may result in the extinction of many larger, coastal shark species. The shark is the victim of a warped attitude of wildlife protection: we strive only to protect the beautiful, nonthreatening parts of our environment. And, in our efforts to restore only nonthreatening parts of our earth, we ignore other important parts.
A perfect illustration of this attitude is the contrasting attitude towards another large sea animal, the dolphin. During the 1980s, environmentalists in the U. S. A. protested the use of driftnets for tuna fishing in the Pacific Ocean since these nets also caught dolphins. The environmentalists generated enough political and economic pressure to prevent tuna companies from buying tuna that had been caught in driftnets. In contrast to this effort, the populations of sharks
A. Explanatory.
B. Persuasive.
C. Humorous.
D. Narrative.

更多"Sharks have gained an unfair reputa"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Sharks have gained an unfair reputation for being fierce predators of large sea animals. Humanity’s unfounded fear and hatred of these ancient creatures is leading to a worldwide slaughter that may result in the extinction of many larger, coastal shark species. The shark is the victim of a warped attitude of wildlife protection: we strive only to protect the beautiful, nonthreatening parts of our environment. And, in our efforts to restore only nonthreatening parts of our earth, we ignore other important parts.
A perfect illustration of this attitude is the contrasting attitude towards another large sea animal, the dolphin. During the 1980s, environmentalists in the U. S. A. protested the use of driftnets for tuna fishing in the Pacific Ocean since these nets also caught dolphins. The environmentalists generated enough political and economic pressure to prevent tuna companies from buying tuna that had been caught in driftnets. In contrast to this effort, the populations of sharks
A. why sharks have such a bad reputation
B. how sharks become some of the oldest creatures on earth
C. how sharks illustrate a problem in wildlife protection
D. why the campaign to save dolphins was not extended to save sharks
Text 1
Sharks have gained an unfair reputation for being fierce predators of large sea animals. Humanity’s unfounded fear and hatred of these ancient creatures is leading to a worldwide slaughter that may result in the extinction of many larger, coastal shark species. The shark is the victim of a warped attitude of wildlife protection: we strive only to protect the beautiful, nonthreatening parts of our environment. And, in our efforts to restore only nonthreatening parts of our earth, we ignore other important parts.
A perfect illustration of this attitude is the contrasting attitude towards another large sea animal, the dolphin. During the 1980s, environmentalists in the U. S. A. protested the use of driftnets for tuna fishing in the Pacific Ocean since these nets also caught dolphins. The environmentalists generated enough political
A. why sharks have such a bad reputation
B. how sharks become some of the oldest creatures on earth
C. how sharks illustrate a problem in wildlife protection
D. why the campaign to save dolphins was not extended to save sharks
[简答题]It is unfair to have me do most ofthe work______(然 而他却坐在那里无所事事).

[单项选择]Text 3
Names have gained increasing importance in the competitive world of higher education. As colleges strive for market share, they are looking for names that project the image they want or reflect the changes they hope to make. Trenton State College, for example, became the College of New Jersey nine years ago when it began raising admissions standards and appealing to students from throughout the state.
"All I hear in higher education is, ’Brand, brand, brand,’" said Tim Westerbeck, who specializes in branding and is managing director of Lipman Hearne, a marketing firm based in Chicago that works with universities and other nonprofit organizations. "There has been a sea change over the last 10 years. Marketing used to be almost a dirty word in higher education."
Not all efforts at name changes are successful, of course. In 1997, th
A. the brand.
B. the college names.
C. the concept of marketing.
D. list of majors.


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