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发布时间:2024-07-05 18:24:07

[填空题]I like the (stimulate) ()effect of coffee.

更多"I like the (stimulate) ()effect of "的相关试题:


M: Well, how do you like it
W: I like it, but the sleeves axe too short and it’s a little tight around the waist.

Where did the conversation most likely take place()
A. At a dry cleaning shop.
B. At a restaurant.
C. At a museum.
D. At a clothing stor
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[填空题]I don’t like tea. I like coffee. I prefer coffee ______.
[填空题]He didn’t like this book, his sister didn’t like it, either. ______ he ______ his sister liked this book.
{{B}} Simon:{{/B}}
I work not because I like it but that I have to, so I often count the minutes until stopping work or holidays. However, my sister is totally different. She enjoys her work so much that she often spends extra time on her job even take work home with her. I think she is so crazy about work just as some people are about drugs or alcohol. I could hardly understand it.
{{B}} Matthew:{{/B}}
Work is a core element of our lives. It gives us a sense of identity in the larger world outside the personal circle of family and friends. However, there are some people for whom work occupies an even more central place in their lives. Workaholics are a stereotype of modem life, and they are both praised and criticized. On the one hand, it may be the accepted way of earning promotion. On the other hand, workaholics are often viewed as neglecting aspects of life such as family and leisure that are important for maintaining a healthy


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