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发布时间:2023-10-21 22:03:33

[单项选择]M: I’m really surprised you got an A on the test. You didn’t seem to have done a lot of reading.
W: Now you know why I never missed a lecture.
Q: What contributes to the woman’s high score( ).
A. Attending every lecture.
B. Doing lots of homework.
C. Reading very extensively.
D. Using test-taking strategies.

更多"M: I’m really surprised you got an "的相关试题:


M: Have you got any aspirin I’ve got a terrible headache.
W: I’ll just look. I think I’ve got some in my bag. Oh, no, sorry, I haven’t got any.

What does the woman mean()
A. She has some aspirins in her bag.
B. She doesn’t have any aspirins.
C. She put the aspirins in her bag.
D. She can find some aspirins.

M: Have you got any aspirin I’ve got a terrible headache.
W: I’ll just look. I think I’ve got some in my bag. Oh, no, sorry, I haven’t got any.

What does the woman mean( ).
A. She has some aspirins in her bag.
B. She doesn’t have any aspirins.
C. She put the aspirins in her bag.
D. She can find some aspirins.

M: What were you doing when Bill got here
M: I was talking to Ed and Fred.

Who came last( ).
A. Bill.
B. The Woman.
C. E

M: Have you got everything now
W: No. I still have to get a pound of butter, two pounds of lamb and some apples.

Where does the conversation probably take place ()
A. In a restaurant.
B. In a shop.
C. At a market.
D. In a bookstore.
[单项选择]—Congratulations to you! I hear you got the first prize in the English Speech Contest.
A. Don’t mention it. I think that’s only the past
B. Thanks. But I think I could have done better
C. There’s nothing to cheer for
D. No, no. It’s a piece of cake

W: Jack, have you got the book I asked you to borrow the other day
M: Sorry, I haven’t.
W: How come
M: I couldn’t find time to go to the library.

Why didn’t Jack get the book()
A. Because he didn’t want to borrow the book.
B. Because there wasn’t such a book in the library.
C. Because he was too busy to go to the library.

M: I heard you’ve got the highest marks in our class. Congratulations!
W: Thank you. I’m sure you’ve also done a good job.

Who are the speakers()
A. Two students.
B. A student and a teacher.
C. Two teachers.
D. Two friends.

W: You got a big fish last weekend
M: You’re right. That fish was so huge that it was enough for all of us.

What does the man mean()
A. Everyone ate his fish.
B. No one ate his fish.
C. It was almost enough for all of us.
[简答题]Directions: You got an invitation to take part in a party. Write a declining letter which should include: 1) the purpose of writing this letter; 2) the reasons for your absence; 3) your good wishes to the participants. You should write about 100 words. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use "Li Ming" instead. You do not need to write the address.

W: Can I help you
M: Yes. I’ve got an appointment with Mr. James Larry. He said I should meet him in his office.
W: That’s on the fourth floor. You take the lift to the fourth floor and walk down the corridor to the end. Turn left and you’ll find a conference room. Mr. Larry’s office is next to it.
M: Thanks very much.

What does the man want to know( ).
A. The way to the fifth floor.
B. The way to Mr. Larry’s office.
C. The way to the conference room.
D. The way to the lift.
[单项选择]"Have you got some red eggs" "No, but I’ve got ( ) ."
A. any white ones
B. some white ones
C. some white one
D. any white one

W: Cambridge Theater Box Office.
M: Have you got any tickets for Gone with the Wind for this Saturday evening
W: Which performance 5 o’clock or 8: 30
M: 8: 30, please.
W: Sorry, that performance is sold out.
M: Well, have you got any tickets for the 5 o’clock performance
W: Yes, we have.
M: I’d like to reserve two seats, please.
W: Right. That’s two tickets on Saturday 5 o’clock performance. What’s your name, please
M: Bishop. Henry Bishop.

What does the man want to do( ).
A. He wants to book tickets for a film.
B. He wants to invite the woman to see a film.
C. He wants to book tickets for a fashion show.
D. He wants to invite the woman to see a performanc


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