更多"His sole motive was to make her hap"的相关试题:
[单项选择]His sole motive was to make her happy( ).
A. aim
B. argument
C. capability
D. pursuit
[单项选择]President will make his case for his $1.6 trillion tax cut plan, delivering a speech at a community center in St. Louis. The proposal would slash federal tax rates across all levels of income, eliminate the so- called marriage penalty and phase out estate taxes. Democrats complain that the plan--which would cut the top rate from 39 to 33 percent--would disproportionately benefit the wealthy and unnecessarily squander expected budget surpluses. Some of the richest Americans are urging Congress not to repeal the estate tax, The New York Times reported on Wednesday, Feb. 14.
About 120 wealthy Americans had signed or supported a petition to oppose phasing out the tax. President Bush has included the repeal of the tax in his $1.6 trillion tax cut proposal. Normally when "dozens" of Americans join in a political cause, it is not particularly noteworthy, but in this case the dozens include: George Soros, a billionaire financier; Warren Buffett, an investor listed as America’s fourth-rich
A. widely appreciated.
B. greatly controversial C. emotional.
C. uncommon.