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发布时间:2024-02-14 18:06:21


Earthquakes can cause great loss of life by destroying structures such as buildings, bridges, and dams, and they can also produce dangerous landslide (山崩). Another destructive effective effect of earthquakes is the genetation (振荡) ,usually by sub-sea tremor(振动),or so-called tidal waves. Their towering walls of water have struck populated coastlines so violently that entire towns have been destroyed.
Three general classes of earthquakes are now recognized: tectonic (地壳构造的), volcanic, and artificially produced, the tectonic variety is by far the most harmful, and such quakes cause particular difficulties for scientists trying to develop ways to predict them. Earthquakes of volcanic origin are seldom very large or destructive. Humans can cause earthquakes through a variety of activities.
Historical written accounts of earthquakes before the middle of the 18th century are generally rare and not reliable. The earthquake in 1556 in Shanxi Province of China, which killed

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Earthquakes can cause great loss of life by destroying structures such as buildings, bridges, and dams, and they can also produce dangerous landslide (山崩). Another destructive effective effect of earthquakes is the genetation (振荡) ,usually by sub-sea tremor(振动),or so-called tidal waves. Their towering walls of water have struck populated coastlines so violently that entire towns have been destroyed.
Three general classes of earthquakes are now recognized: tectonic (地壳构造的), volcanic, and artificially produced, the tectonic variety is by far the most harmful, and such quakes cause particular difficulties for scientists trying to develop ways to predict them. Earthquakes of volcanic origin are seldom very large or destructive. Humans can cause earthquakes through a variety of activities.
Historical written accounts of earthquakes before the middle of the 18th century are generally rare and not reliable. The earthquake in 1556 in Shanxi Province of China, whic

[填空题]All around the world, floods cause loss of life and destruction of property.
[单项选择]Realizing the great loss our company’s error caused you, and being aware that money can never really make up for it, we wish to offer you 2 million dollars in ______ anyway.
A. prize
B. compensation
C. reward
D. cash
[填空题]Music will not cause hearing loss.
[填空题]Most earthquakes do not cause great damage and many deaths.

[填空题]Earthquakes often cause great (destroy){{U}} {{/U}}to life and property.
[A] Human history contains great stories that can help us appreciate more about past life.
[B] The great achievement can provide motivation for learners.
[C] Making us more human, more than anything else, is the purpose of studying history.
[D] Learning history can lead a more colorful life.
[E] History can tell us when we should give up.
[F] History can teach us a lesson from its mistakes.
The speaker alleges that studying history is valuable only insofar as it is relevant to our daily lives. I find this allegation to be specious. It wrongly suggests that history is not otherwise instructive and that its relevance to our everyday lives is limited. To the contrary, studying history provides inspiration, innumerable lessons for living, and useful valueclarification and perspective—all of which help us decide how to live our lives.
To begin with, learning about great human achievements of the past pro


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