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发布时间:2024-07-30 21:02:33


The European Union’s Commission on Competition ruled Wednesday that the Microsoft Corporation’ has used its powerful market position illegally. The E-U ordered Microsoft to provide information about its Windows operating system to other software companies. The E-U commission also ordered Microsoft to make a version of Windows without one of the company’s own software products. And, it ordered the American software company to pay about six-hundred-million dollars.
Microsoft says it will appeal the decision to the European Court of First Instance in Luxembourg.
Microsoft is the world’s biggest software maker. Software is a set of orders for the parts of a computer. An operating system is a complex set of orders that control the computer, its software and other devices. Microsoft software runs more than ninety percent of all personal computers in the world.
The E-U commission ruled about Microsoft’s addition of a media player to
A. 19%.
B. 90%.
C. 40%.
D. 70%.

更多"The European Union’s Commissi"的相关试题:


The European Union’s Commission on Competition ruled Wednesday that the Microsoft Corporation’ has used its powerful market position illegally. The E-U ordered Microsoft to provide information about its Windows operating system to other software companies. The E-U commission also ordered Microsoft to make a version of Windows without one of the company’s own software products. And, it ordered the American software company to pay about six-hundred-million dollars.
Microsoft says it will appeal the decision to the European Court of First Instance in Luxembourg.
Microsoft is the world’s biggest software maker. Software is a set of orders for the parts of a computer. An operating system is a complex set of orders that control the computer, its software and other devices. Microsoft software runs more than ninety percent of all personal computers in the world.
The E-U commission ruled about Microsoft’s addition of a media player to
A. Microsoft should put an end to its business in Europe
B. Microsoft should pay about six hundred million dollars
C. Microsoft should give information about its Windows system
D. Microsoft should make another version of Windows without using its own software

[单项选择]European Commission President and other top commissioners are going to Washington to ask the American government to ______.
A. stick to their promises
B. make compromises
C. help them
D. go on with talks

By 2010 the European Commission predicts transcontinental freight traffic will have risen 50 percent as a result of European expansion, and much of that will have to cross the enormous obstacle of the Alps. Right now the only practical way for most heavy traffic to get through is by truck and tunnel. And while that could change if safer and cleaner rail lines were opened, the chances are that won’t happen anytime soon.
Several private trucking companies have adapted quickly and creatively to the demands of European unification. Some of the bigger truckers trace cargoes with the Global Positioning System and sophisticated computers. And if trucks also bring more road hazards and pollution, at present there is no alternative. Right now only 8 percent of European merchandise moves by rail, compared with more than 40 percent in the United States. Delays are so common that the average speed for freight is about 18km an hour.
The railways have had trouble outgrowi
A. trouble
B. ghost
C. hero
D. turtle


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