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发布时间:2023-10-08 15:42:15

[简答题]A. To write as many checks as they want.
B. To make sure of the amount of the deposits.
C. To get a penalty of 3 for each check.
D. To try to make more money.

更多"A. To write as many checks as they "的相关试题:

[单项选择]"You are allowed to write up to ten checks without a service charge."
"That’s all You mean ten checks is the()"
A. balance
B. maximum
C. minimum
How many poems did Dickinson write
A. Almost 2,000.
B. Nearly 1,000.
C. 800.
D. 1,200.
[填空题]How many books did Carson write before Silent Spring, and what were their titles ______.
[简答题] Write an essay elaborating the statement "In many situations, compromise is necessary".
Your writing should have a good beginning, which brings out the thesis, and middle part should be devoted to supporting your main idea by details or examples. Then the essay should come to a natural conclusion or summary. Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar as well as for syntactic variety and appropriate word choice. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.
Length: Approximately 400 words.
Write your essay on ANSWER SHEET FOUR.

[填空题]We don’t have many chances to write compositions as assignment.______(在这种情况下), keeping diary in English may compensate for the loss.

[单项选择]How many letters does he write to his father in a month
A. Eight.
B. Four.
C. Two.
D. Twelve.
[简答题]When must the checks be signed

[简答题]What is the limit on cashed checks

[填空题]Splitting dinner checks can cause a splitting headache, even when the diners are mathematics majors. Three computer science (36) students at the US’s Carnegie Mellon University were (37) up with worrying about shared bills so they decided to act. Shashank, Amit and Ashwin created a free website, Buxfer.com, in September, to help people remember who (38) what and to whom.
Instead of trying to (39) out how every dinner bill should be split, the site allows users to form groups of friends or housemates to (40) shared expenses over longer periods of time. For example, if one housemate pays for dinner for everyone, he earns (41) in his Buxfer group and pays less on next month’s rent. Buxfer quickly became (42) among college students and young (43) who often pool expenses and borrow small amounts from each other.
News of the site has spread .largely by word of mouth and on blogs. (44)


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