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发布时间:2023-10-28 22:16:45

[单项选择]PARSIMONIOUS: A. appropriate
B. generous C. complete D. radiant
E. ongoing

更多"PARSIMONIOUS: A. appropriate B. ge"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Passage Three
A. When your child occasionally complains about a physical discomfort like headache.
B. When the symptoms interfere with your child’s ability to function at home or in school.
C. When your child grieves over a loss for days at a time.
D. When your child exhibits all the symptoms of depression.
[单项选择]The general manager demanded the job will be completed before the Spring Festival holidays.
A. would be completed
B. must be completed
C. had to be completed
D. be completed
Globalisation is an umbrella term for a complex series of economic, social, technological, cultural and political changes seen as increasing interdependence, integration and interaction between people and companies in disparate locations. As a term, "globalisation" has been used as early as 1944 but economists began applying it around 1982. Theodore Levitt is usually credited with its coining through the article he wrote in 1983 for the Harvard Business Review entitled "Globalisation of Markets". The more encompassing phenomenon has been perceived in the context of sociological study on a worldwide scale.
Inflation risk is whether a rate of return or an investment keeps up with the rate of inflation. For example, if there is 4 percent inflation over the year, you must have 4 percent more money at the end of the year than at the beginning of the year to buy the same amount of goods and services. That means your stock ne
[填空题]When are the applicants required to send the completed Application Form for the new academic year Before the ______ .
[单项选择]Passage 5 Bird wings have a much more complex job to do than wings of an airplane, for in addition to supporting the bird they must act as its engine, rowing it through the air. Even so the wing outline of a bird conforms to the same aerodynamic principles as those eventually discovered by people when designing airplanes, and if you know how different kind of aircraft perform, you can predict the flight capabilities of similarly shaped birds. Short, stubby wings enable a tanager and other forest-living to swerve and dodge at speed through the undergrowth, just as they helped the fighter planes of the Second Word War to make tight turns and acrobatic maneuvers in a dog-fight. More modern fighters achieve greater speeds by sweeping back their wings while in flight, just as peregrines do when they go into a 130 kph dive, swooping to a kill. Championship gliders have long, thin wings so that, having gained height in a thermal up-current they can soar gently down for hours
A. Bird wings have to support the bird.
B. Bird wings must act as the bird’s engine.
C. Airplane’s wings must act as the airplane’s engine.
D. Similar wing shapes in aircraft and birds produce similar flight capabilities.
[单项选择]Anna was reading a piece of science fiction, completely ______ to the outside world.
A. losing
B. lost
C. to be lost
D. having been lost
[填空题]Who will succeed in this world of change and complexity


The Visa officer
Dear Sir,
I enclose the completed application form for an entry visa to enable Mr. Dickson, the sales director of this company, to visit Thailand.
Mr. Dickson will be leaving London on 5th August for a business tour of the Far East and, subject to issues of the necessary visa, proposes to arrive in Bangkok on August 7th or 8th and to stay for about fourteen days, when he will leave for Singapore. His address in Bangkok will be the Dalmeny Hotel.
The purpose of Mr. Dickson’s visit to Thailand is to gain information about recent developments in education there, with special reference to the use of our publications. He intends to visit departments of education, the universities, commercial and technical colleges and other educational organizations, and to call on the leading booksellers. My company would guarantee Mr. Dickson’s financial security during his stay in Thailand and payment of all expenses he may incur.


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