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发布时间:2023-10-23 15:51:51

[单项选择]A figure that can be folded over along a straight line so that the result is two equal halves which are then lying on top of one another with no overlap is said to have a line of symmetry. Which of the following figures has only one line of symmetry
A. Square
B. Circle
C. Equilateral triangle
D. Isosceles triangle
E. (E) Rectangle

更多"A figure that can be folded over al"的相关试题:

[单项选择]A figure that can be folded over along a straight line so that the result is two equal halves which are then lying on top of one another with no overlap is said to have a line of symmetry. Which of the following figures has only one line of symmetry ?()
A. Square
B. Circle
C. Equilateral triangle
D. Isosceles triangle
E. Rectangle

Trivial breaches of regulations we can pass over, but more serious ones will have to be investigated()

A. exceed
B. wither
C. overpass
D. neglect
[填空题]We can argue over this point forever without obtaining any result. (anywhere) ____________________.
[单项选择]()the final examination is over, we can go outside for a picnic.
A. Even though
B. Now that
C. For
D. With
[单项选择]Can you see the () over there.
A. girl students
B. girls students
C. girls student
[单项选择]How can she find the bus stop[A] Walk along the street for 200 meters, then turn right.[B] Walk along the street for 200 meters, then turn left.[C] Walk along the street for 200 meters, then she can see it on the right.
[单项选择]()the stress of the examination is over, we can all relax.
A. With
B. Even though
C. For
D. Now that
[填空题]Regular plaque removal, along with ______ ,can help people reverse gingivitis.
[填空题]We can obviously notice that over a period of no practice, what has been learned tends to be forgotten from________________________.
[填空题]Where can you buy things from all over the world in big cities In ______.
[单项选择]You should go over your notes () you can after class.
A. as early as
B. sooner or later
C. the same as
D. so soon that
[填空题]If you know English, you can travel all over the world ______. (不会被人误解)

[单项选择]A check that can be signed over to a third party is().
A. subtracted
B. negotiable
C. overdrawn
[单项选择]You can trust our product as we have()control over its quality.
A. strict
B. limited
C. little
D. natural
[填空题]The NEC supercomputer can operate over ______ times as fast as the fastest American supercomputer.


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