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发布时间:2023-12-15 21:23:12

[填空题]My father didn’t go to New York; the doctor suggested that he()(not go) there.

更多"My father didn’t go to New York; th"的相关试题:

[填空题]My father didn’t go to New York; the doctor suggested that he______ (not go) there.
[单项选择]My father did not go to New York; the doctor suggested that he ______ there.
A. not to go B. not go
C. hadn’t gone D. wouldn’t go
[单项选择]A. The museum in New York is better.
B. He suggests the woman traveling to New York.
C. He likes visiting the museum.
D. New York is a wonderful city.
[填空题]Things that the traveller didn’t like in New York were the ______.
[单项选择]Why didn’t John go to the lecture
A. He forgot it.
B. He was sick.
C. He was out.
[单项选择]Why didn’t he go to see the doctor immediately
A. He took medicine.
B. He forgot.
C. He was out.
D. He was busy.
[单项选择]Why didn’t Helen go to school yesterday ()
A. She went to see a friend.
B. She had no class.
C. Her mother took her to hospital.
D. Her mother was ill.

Woman: Doctor, what’s wrong with my father
Man: He’s in pretty good shape, considering.
Question: What do we learn from the dialogue( )

A. Her father is very sick.
B. There is nothing serious with her father.
C. Her father is an athlete.
D. The man is not sure about her father’s condition.
[判断题]Management in America
Do it my way
Cultural differences between Japanese and American managers have presented the biggest obstacles to Japanese companies investing in America.
A seminar for Japanese executives working in America was attended by 25 men, nearly all of them in identical dark suits. Despite the room’s stifling heating system, they resolutely refused to remove their jackets. Their coffee break lasted exactly the scheduled ten minutes. They did not ask any questions until after they had got to know one another a bit better at lunch. They were usually deferential and always polite.
A similar seminar for 25 Americans working for Japanese subsidiaries in America included eight women. Several of the men removed their jackets on entering the room. A ten- minute coffee break stretched beyond 20 minutes. Participants asked questions and several aggressively contradicted what the speakers had to say.
According to M


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