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发布时间:2023-10-08 13:06:17

[单项选择]As people age and need more help with daily activities, such as bathing or taking medication, moving to a facility that provides some assistance, without sacrificing independence, may be an option. This type of environment, known as assisted living, has emerged in the past two decades as an increasingly available option for housing and long-term care. The growth of assisted living facilities has leveled off in recent years, however, as the economic downturn hampered new construction and occupancy rates.
In 2007, there were approximately 38 000 assisted living facilities nationwide, serving about 975000 residents. The overwhelming majority of assisted living residents in the United States are female, according to the National Center for Assisted Living. One of the most common types of facilities that provide assisted living are called continuing care retirement communities, which offer a stepwise approach to care, says Kerry Peck, an elder law attorney based in Chicago. "The concept
A. supportive
B. opposed
C. objective
D. subjective

更多"As people age and need more help wi"的相关试题:

[单项选择]As people age and need more help with daily activities, such as bathing or taking medication, moving to a facility that provides some assistance, without sacrificing independence, may be an option. This type of environment, known as assisted living, has emerged in the past two decades as an increasingly available option for housing and long-term care. The growth of assisted living facilities has leveled off in recent years, however, as the economic downturn hampered new construction and occupancy rates.
In 2007, there were approximately 38 000 assisted living facilities nationwide, serving about 975000 residents. The overwhelming majority of assisted living residents in the United States are female, according to the National Center for Assisted Living. One of the most common types of facilities that provide assisted living are called continuing care retirement communities, which offer a stepwise approach to care, says Kerry Peck, an elder law attorney based in Chicago. "The concept
A. elderly people living in assisted living facilities have to be accompanied all the time
B. fluctuation of economy can have no much effect on the construction of assisted living facilities
C. assisted living facilities have been always increasing rapidly
D. assisted living facilities have become more and more popular in the past 20 years
[简答题]Modern chickens fight more because they need more food and water to lay more eggs. About 35 percent of them die because of fights. As a result, many farmers are forced to cut the beaks(鸟嘴,喙) of their chickens to prevent them from harming each others.
[单项选择]Why does the museum need more space
A. To open dinosaur exhibits
B. To set up children’s activities
C. To increase office space
D. To hold the ball

M: Susan, I could really need your help this weekend.
W: What is it, John Another term paper
M: No, no. This is easy compared to that. My cousin is coming on Thursday. She has an interview at the college and I promised my aunt that I’ll look after her. We are going to the game on Friday, but Saturday I’m on duty at the library all day and can’t get out of it. Uh, I was wondering if you could show her around during the day and maybe we can all meet for dinner later.
W: Sure. I don’t have any plans. What kind of things does she like to do
M: Actually I haven’t seen her for three years. She lives so far away. But this will be her first time on a college campus, she is still in high school. So she probably enjoys anything on campus.
W: Well, there is a music festival in the auditorium. That’s a possibility. Only I hope it doesn’t snow.
M: Well, I’ll plan on dropping her off at your place o
A. Show his cousin around the campus.
B. Go out for a dinner.
C. Help him finish another term paper.
D. Go to the park.

[简答题]So we need your help as well. You’re here because you are already committed to identifying and investing in innovative solutions to persistent global problems. So today, I ask you to join us, to be a part of this solution, an issue that brings together so many of our concerns. Whether you’re passionate about health or the environment or sustainable development or women’s empowerment, this is a project for you, and we need you.

[填空题]The fight against AIDS got some more help earlier this month. The Swiss drug manufacturer Roche and the Clinton Foundation announced separate efforts to provide H. I. V. drugs to poor nations. Roche says it will provide drug companies in developing nations with {{U}} (36) {{/U}} assistance to make copies of a drag called saquinavir. Saquinavir is taken in {{U}} (37) {{/U}} with other medicines. It is used to treat H. I. V. patients with or without AIDS. H. I. V. is the virus that develops into AIDS. {{U}} (38) {{/U}} lose their ability to fight infections. For example, many people with AIDS die of tuberculosis (肺结核). Roche says it plans to start its technology {{U}} (39) {{/U}}program in more than sixty nations, mostly in Africa and Asia. Officials say the countries {{U}} (40) {{/U}} about seventy percent of all people living with H. I. V. and AIDS. Medical experts say more than forty million people are infected around the world. Roche says it will have a special


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