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发布时间:2024-06-29 20:23:14

[单项选择]Austerity is a word much found on the lips of politicians and economists at the moment; but it is seldom heard from technologists. And although the idea that "less is more" has many adherents in architecture, design and fashion, the technology industry has historically held the opposite view. Products should have as many features as possible; and next year’s version should have even more. As prices fall, what starts off as a fancy new feature quickly becomes commonplace prompting companies to add new features in an effort to outdo their rivals. Never mind if nobody uses most of these new features. In an arms race, more is always more.
But now there are signs that technologists are waking up to the benefits of minimalism, thanks to two things: feature fatigue among consumers who simply want things to work, and strong demand from less affluent consumers in the developing world. It is telling that the market value of Apple, the company most closely associated with simple, elegant hig
A. consumers are fond of various features of gadgets.
B. Apple are best known for creating new features.
C. consumers of developing countries are wealthy.
D. technologists begin to pay attention to simplicity.

更多"Austerity is a word much found on t"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Austerity is a word much found on the lips of politicians and economists at the moment; but it is seldom heard from technologists. And although the idea that "less is more" has many adherents in architecture, design and fashion, the technology industry has historically held the opposite view. Products should have as many features as possible; and next year’s version should have even more. As prices fall, what starts off as a fancy new feature quickly becomes commonplace prompting companies to add new features in an effort to outdo their rivals. Never mind if nobody uses most of these new features. In an arms race, more is always more.
But now there are signs that technologists are waking up to the benefits of minimalism, thanks to two things: feature fatigue among consumers who simply want things to work, and strong demand from less affluent consumers in the developing world. It is telling that the market value of Apple, the company most closely associated with simple, elegant hig
A. change features rapidly.
B. add new features regularly.
C. are usually commonplace.
D. have relatively low pric
[单项选择]A word processor is much better than a typewriter in that it enables you to enter and ()your text more easily.
A. register
B. edit
C. propose
D. discharge
[单项选择]The largest international database has helped police find out many crimes which at one time would have ______ unsolved.
A. remained
B. maintained
C. kept
D. left

The benefits of some environmentally friendly policies will not be apparent until decades after they have been enacted. (46) That is one of the messages of a report from the United Nations Environment Programme, which, even by the standards of global environment assessments, is sobering reading.
(47) Global Environmental Outlook 3 (GE03), a study of the links between environmental, social and development issues, contains a range of dreadful but familiar predictions about the impact of factors such as climate change and industrial development. But the report, released last week in the run-up to August’s World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg, was unusually pessimistic about the prospects for reversing the damage.
The new predictions are contained in one of four possible futures outlined in the report. The authors considered situations in which global politics were dominated by concerns over markets, environmental and social poli

[单项选择]Passage Two
When Daniel Franklin, a political science professor from Atlanta, needed career advancement advice, he didn’t turn to colleagues, therapists or even his mom.
He went to the Advice Ladies.
Three thirty something New York women, advertising freelancers by day, have turned themselves into Saturday afternoon street-comer oracles, they pull up lawn chairs and a table on a lower Manhattan street corner and dish out free advice to passersby. They’ve claimed the comer of West Broadway and Broome Street in Soho as their own for the last several months.
Amy Alkon, who, with longtime friends Marlowe Minnick and Carolyn Johnson, becomes a part-time shrink each weekend. "We use creative problem- solving to turn problem into fun," she says.
On a recent steamy afternoon, a line has formed in front of the Advice Ladies’ table. Obv
A. about 30 New York women who offered free advice by day
B. three women freelancers about 30 years old who offered advertising advice on Saturday
C. about 30 women advertising freelancers offered advice every Saturday afternoon in New York
D. three women about 30 years old, who did advertising as a job, offered free advice every Saturday afternoon
[单项选择]Are the following two statements about fiscal policy correct Statement 1: The crowding out effect reduces the multiplier effect of expansionary fiscal policy but does not affect economic growth. Statement 2: A generational imbalance exists if the present value of government benefits to the current generation is not fully paid for by taxes on the current generation. Statement 1 Statement 2()①A. Correct Correct ②B. Correct Incorrect ③C. Incorrect Correct
A. ①
B. ②
C. ③
[填空题]Since 1979, China has adopted the significant policy of (11) to the outside world in the foreign economic relations and trade, actively developed the economic relations with countries (12) the world and made the unprecedented (空前的) achievements ever since the founding of the PRC. These have (13) very important roles in promoting international economic exchanges, speeding (14) the construction of China’s socialist modernization, strengthening the ability of self-reliance and contributing to the work of foreign affairs in the new (15) environment.


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