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发布时间:2023-10-04 02:55:12

Sam is an old man. He likes walking in the street after supper. And he usually goes home at seven o’clock.
But a car stops at his house tonight. A policeman helps Sam get out. Then he tells Sam’s wife, "The old man got lost in the street. He asked me to take him home."Sam did something wrong, so the policeman came.
[A] True.
[B] False.

更多"根据下面短文回答下列问题。 Sam is an old man. H"的相关试题:

Sam is an old man. He likes walking in the street after supper. And he usually goes home at seven o’clock.
But a car stops at his house tonight. A policeman helps Sam get out. Then he tells Sam’s wife, "The old man got lost in the street. He asked me to take him home."Sam likes walking in the street after lunch.
[A] True.
[B] False.
[单项选择]根据下面短文回答下列问题。The old man tried to advise the boys not make fun of the cat.
[A] True.
[B] False.

Tom was seven years old. He went to a school near his house. He could go there and come home by bus or by school-bus every day, but he always went to school and came home on foot. He usually got back on time, but last Friday he came home late from school. When he ran into the house, his mother was in the sitting room. When she saw him, she said, "Why are you late today, Tom"
"My teacher was angry and sent me to the headmaster after school." Tom answered.
"To the headmaster" his mother said in surprise. "Why did she send you to him"
"Because she asked a question in class," Tom said, "and none of the children gave her the answer except me."
Her mother was angry. "But why did the teacher send you to the headmaster then Why didn’t she send all the other children she asked Tom."
"Because her question was who put the glue (胶水) on her chair./
Tom’s school was not far from his home.
[A] True
[B] False

Long long ago, there was an old farmer who had seven children. When he thought that he was about to die, he let them come to his bed. He told the servant to bring in a bundle (一捆) of seven sticks (棍子) tied together (栓在一起). Giving the bundle to his oldest child, the father said to him, "Now break the bundle."
The son tried with all his strength, but he could not break the bundle. One by one, the other children tried. But not one of them was strong enough to break it.
The father smiled, "Now my children, untie the bundle. Each of you takes a stick and tries to break it." This time they had no difficulty doing it as their father told them. In a minute, all the sticks were broken.
The seven children then understood what their father wanted to tell them.
Before his death,
Mrs. Blunsden is a 38-year-old woman who lives by herself in Brooklyn, New York. She has no right to keep any animals now. A police officer told a Brooklyn court(法院) that he had found 15 dogs and 20 cats living in a small room which was just 10 feet by 12 feet. "There was not enough place for one animal, let alone 35," he said. "The room was very dirty."
"The animals are taken god care of," Mrs. Blunsden told the court. "I take them all for walks in a shopping cart (购物车) ." When the court asked Mrs. Blunsden why she kept so many animals, she said, "Everybody loves animals and I do, too. You may think my room is too small for so many animals, but I think it is just right."
The court ordered the animals to be taken to a place where they could be taken good care of. The court also ordered Mrs. Blunsden to get help from Dr. Eugene Wilson, whose clinic (诊所) is well-known for taking care of such cases.
People are beginning to keep many
A. 15.
B. 20.
C. 35.


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