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发布时间:2024-07-31 19:03:33

[简答题]I have promised Jane that I shall play the violin at the party, but______________________(我已经好久没有练习了).

更多"I have promised Jane that I shall p"的相关试题:

[填空题]I have promised Jane that I’ shall play the violin at the party, but__________________(我已经好久没有练习了)
[填空题]If they will not accept a check, we shall have to pay in the cash, though it would be much trouble for both sides.
[填空题]If the economy gets worse, we shall have to (tightly) ______ our belts.
[填空题]If the economy get worse, we shall have to (tightly) ______ our belts.

[填空题]If the economy get worse, we shall have to(tightly) _________ our belts.

[单项选择]We shall have to()a new contract and then ask you to sign it.
A. pull out
B. write down
C. think of
D. draw up

W: I shall have to go into hospital some time to have an operation on my leg.
M: Are you on the waiting list
W: Yes, I’ve been waiting for three years.

How long has the woman been on the waiting list( ).
A. Three days.
B. Three months.
C. Thirteen months.
D. Three years.
[简答题]As time goes on, however, we shall have to use our brains more and more, and eventually we shall need larger ones.

M: Well it looks to me as if we shall have to fit him in somewhere. What does Monday morning look like
W: Well Monday morning is extremely busy. You’ve got all the short-list interviews.
M: Oh goodness. And how long do they go on for
W: Well the last one is due at...to come at 10 o’clock and will probably go on through until 10:30.
M: And then
W: Then you’ve got your Japanese agent and you did tell him you’d probably take him out to lunch.
M: Yes, we can’t pass that up...erm...what’s Tuesday morning look like
W: Tuesday morning is also very full. You’ve got a committee meeting, starts at 9:30, probably won’t finish until 12:30.
M: Huh--Huh. And Lunch
W: Lunch is with your publisher.
M: Oh yes. And I do remember that I’ve got something in the afternoon... erm... from the examining board, haven’t I I’ve got...
W: Yes. At 2:30. You


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