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发布时间:2024-07-30 22:38:50

[单项选择]In spite of thousands of years of endeavor, little progress has been made in the scientific understanding of dreams. This fact has been so universally acknowledged by previous writers on the subject that it seems hardly necessary to quote individual opinions. The reader will find, in many stimulating observations, and plenty of interesting material related to our subject, but little or nothing that concerns the true nature of the dream, or that solves definitely any of its enigmas. The educated layman, of course, knows even less of the matter.
The conception of the dream that was held in prehistoric ages by primitive peoples, and the influence which it may have exerted on the formation of their conceptions of the universe, and of the soul, is a theme of such great interest that it is only with reluctance that I refrain from dealing with it in these pages. I will refer the reader to the well-known works of Sir John Lubbock (Lord Avebury), Herbert Spencer, E. B. Tylor and other wr
A. few writers did research on the subject of dream
B. previous researchers were short of observations and material related to dream
C. little progress was achieved on the nature of dream
D. educated public hold a better understanding of dream

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[单项选择]In spite of thousands of years of endeavor, little progress has been made in the scientific understanding of dreams. This fact has been so universally acknowledged by previous writers on the subject that it seems hardly necessary to quote individual opinions. The reader will find, in many stimulating observations, and plenty of interesting material related to our subject, but little or nothing that concerns the true nature of the dream, or that solves definitely any of its enigmas. The educated layman, of course, knows even less of the matter.
The conception of the dream that was held in prehistoric ages by primitive peoples, and the influence which it may have exerted on the formation of their conceptions of the universe, and of the soul, is a theme of such great interest that it is only with reluctance that I refrain from dealing with it in these pages. I will refer the reader to the well-known works of Sir John Lubbock (Lord Avebury), Herbert Spencer, E. B. Tylor and other wr
A. Dreams were related to gods and devils.
B. Dreams carried with them inspirations from gods and devils.
C. Dreamers could know the future through dreams.
D. Dreams had nothing to do with the dreamer.
[单项选择]Passage Three
Thousands of years ago man used handy rocks for his surgical operations. Later he used sharp bone or horn, metal knives and, more recently, rubber and plastic. And that was where we stuck, in surgical instrument terms, for many years. In the 1960s a new tool was developed, one which was, first of all, to be of great practical use to the armed forces and industry, but which was also, in time, to revolutionize the art and science of surgery.
The tool is the laser and it is, being used by more and more surgeons all over the world, for a very large number of different complaints. The word laser means: Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. As we all know, light is hot; any source of light--from the sun itself down to a humble match burning--will give warmth. But light is usually spread out over a wide area. The l
A. medical help became available to industrial workers
B. the study of surgical techniques went through a complete revolution
C. more and more surgeons began using surgical instruments
D. man’s whole approach to surgery changed completely
Passage One
Thousands of years ago man used handy rocks for his surgical operations. Later he used sharp bone or horn, metal knives and more recently, rubber and plastic. And that was where we stuck, in surgical instrument terms, for many years. In the 1960s a new tool was developed, one which was, first of all, to be of great practical use to the armed forces and industry, but which was also, in time, to revolutionize the art and science of surgery.
The tool is the laser and it is being used by more and more surgeons all over the world, for a very large number of different complaints. The word laser means: Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Light. As we all know, light is hot; any source of light ——from the sun itself down to a humble match burning ——will give warmth. But light is usually spread out over a wide area. The lig
A. fashionable
B. extraordinary
C. special
D. basic
[填空题]Tens and thousands of years passed before wheels were used to make a vehicle.

[单项选择]Thousands of years ago, royalty of diverse cultures were often buried in extremely lavish tombs that they themselves commissioned in preparation for their inevitable deaths. About 2,200 years ago, a Chinese emperor named Qin Shihuang had such a tomb prepared. At the age of thirteen, Qin Shihuang had succeeded his father as emperor. The boy was very aggressive and ambitious. He assumed full power at the age of 22 by ridding himself of his rival, a man who had controlled the throne while Qin Shihuang was a minor. Qin Shihuang’s goal was to unify and subjugate all of the Chinese states using his powerful political, economic, and military strength. Despite an ongoing quest for immortality, Qin Shihuang died while traveling at the age of 49. Although he has been dead for centuries, historians can continue to learn of his life by studying the artifacts found in the extravagant tomb in which he was laid to rest.
[填空题]For thousands of years men have been wandering around--for pleasure, for profit, or to satisfy their curiosity. When the only means of transportation were horses, camels and small boats, travelers were already crossing seas and deserts to acquire rare goods or to visit famous places. For the pure joy of learning, scholars ventured into distant kingdoms and observed their customs. They tasted the foods; they questioned the wise men about their gods and their history; they sat in fearful admiration on the banks of newly discovered rivers. Then they went back home reflecting upon what they had seen, and perhaps they wrote a book or two about their discoveries. Slowly, nations learned about each other, men met and ideas spread--for better or worse.
There was a time, close to ours, when artists and writers traveled all over Europe and sometimes further to study ancient works of art and to exchange ideas and methods with their foreign colleagues. Poor adventurers traveled on foot whil


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