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发布时间:2024-02-04 19:22:40

[单项选择]If something happens that stops you from keeping the appointment, you can change or cancel the appointment at once()
A. 如果某事突发,使你不能如期约会,你应该迅速对改变或取消约会做出反应。
B. 假如有防碍你约会的事出现,你最好做出更改或取消约会的抉择。
C. 假如有事需你另行约会,你可以改变时间或及时进行约会。
D. 假如你有事不能按时赴约,可以立即改变或取消约会。

更多"If something happens that stops you"的相关试题:

[填空题]When something bad happens on you, what you should do is to compensate, or replace it, or forget it.

When something happens to shake our culture—like the terrorist attacks—we pause, not merely from fear. A deeper self-examination is going on all over the country. And love, family and faith are emerging.
Single people are flocking to dating services, looking for committed relationships. Bridal retailers report a surge in sales. Sales of old-fashioned board games have skyrocketed.
The new appreciation for time spent with those we love poses a great spiritual question to materialistic yuppies and workaholic careerists, and that question is this: "Was your life before September 11 really working for you" To many, the answer is no.
We once heard of a CEO who spoke at his retirement dinner to a group of your executives. He said, "I know you want my job, and I’ll tell you how to get it. Last week my daughter
[单项选择]When something happens to shake our culture—like the terrorist attacks—we pause, not merely from fear. A deeper self-examination is going on all over the country. And love, family and faith are emerging.
Single people are flocking to dating services, looking for committed relationships. Bridal retailers report a surge in sales. Sales of old-fashioned board games have skyrocketed.
The new appreciation for time spent with those we love poses a great spiritual question to materialistic yuppies and workaholic careerists, and that question is this: "Was your life before September 11 really working for you" To many, the answer is no.
We once heard of a CEO who spoke at his retirement dinner to a group of your executives. He said, "I know you want my job, and I’ll tell you how to get it. Last week my daughter was married, and as she walked down the aisle, I realized I did not know the name of her best friend, or the last book she read, or her favorite color. That’s the price I
A. refiecting on the reason for the attacks
B. checking up on one’s physical condition
C. looking Into one’s values and attitudes
D. confronting painful reality
[多项选择]Write a composition on the topic Keeping Pets. You should write at least 120 words and you should base your composition on the outline given below.
1. 宠物对主人的陪伴
2. 宠物对主人忠诚
3. 但是宠物也会给人带来困扰和烦恼
[单项选择]() something drastic happens before midnight, the postal workers will most likely walk out on their jobs.
A. Also
B. Except
C. Unless
D. Therefore

Generally, luck is something that happens to individuals. If a society or a century is considered as a whole, the random individual events that are set down to luck or fortune form more coherent overall patterns; large historical forces become discernible. But entire societies should not mock luck either. (46)The classic Mayan civilization disappeared so strangely, so unexpectedly, that some massive stroke of bad luck must have been at work--a sudden plague, say, a viral riot.
Of all civilizations, America seemed the luckiest. With its vast spaces and immense natural wealth, with its extraordinary freedom from the stultifications of caste and poverty, the place seemed born in luck. (47)Or so it appeared to the white Europeans who settled the continent, if not to the Indians they violently displaced or the Africans they imported in slave ships to work the plantations. Americans eventually made the mistake of de- scribing their national luck as their "man


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