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发布时间:2024-07-26 06:39:43


[听力原文] 6-8
W: Oh ,look at these two watches ,aren’t they lovely
M: Which one do you like
W: They are both very nice. I think I like...
M: Do you like this one
W: Mm, yes, but I think I like that one better. It’s made of gold, isn’t it And look at the rings! Now, they’re lovely.
M: Mm, I don’t know. I think I like those better, over there, the plain gold ones.
W: But these are gold, they are white gold.
M: Look, which one do you like
W: I think I like that one. Do you want to buy it for me

What’s the probable relationship between the two speakers ()
A. Customer and shop assistant.
B. Teacher and student.
C. Husband and wife.
D. Doctor and patient.

更多"[听力原文] 6-8 W: Oh ,look at these t"的相关试题:


[听力原文] 6-8
W: Oh ,look at these two watches ,aren’t they lovely
M: Which one do you like
W: They are both very nice. I think I like...
M: Do you like this one
W: Mm, yes, but I think I like that one better. It’s made of gold, isn’t it And look at the rings! Now, they’re lovely.
M: Mm, I don’t know. I think I like those better, over there, the plain gold ones.
W: But these are gold, they are white gold.
M: Look, which one do you like
W: I think I like that one. Do you want to buy it for me

What are the man and woman looking at ()
A. Watches and rings.
B. Clocks and rings.
C. Watches and bags.
D. Rings.

M: Oh dear, there’s something wrong with my computer shall I ask Jack to take it
W: Well, I’d suggest you take it over to the repair store to have a check.

What does the woman suggest()
A. The man should have a health check-up.
B. The man should invite someone to help him.
C. The wan should try to solve the problem himself.
D. The man should send the machine to a repair shop.

There are two factors which determine an individual’s intelligence. The first is the sort of brain he is born with. Human brains differ considerably, some being more capable than others. But no matter how good a brain he has to begin with, an individual will have a low level of intelligence unless he has opportunities to learn. So the second factor is what happens to the individual—the sort of environment in which he is reared, If an individual is handicapped environmentally, it is likely that his brain will fail to develop and he will never attain the level of intelligence of which he is capable.
The importance of environment in determining an individual’s intelligence can be demonstrated by the ease history of the identical twins, Peter and Mark. Being identical, the twins had identical brains at birth, and their growth processes were the same. When the twins were three months old, their parents died, and they were placed in separate foster ho
A. An individual’s brain.
B. An individual’s parents.
C. An individual’s growth environment.
D. An individual’s genes.


W: Oh, dear, I wonder where I left my handbag
M: Maybe you didn’t bring the bag. Most probably it’s still lying on the desk in your office.

What happened to die woman ()
A. She didn’t bring her handbag with her.
B. She was telling a lie.
C. She was still in the office.
D. She couldn’t find her handbag.

W: Oh dear! There you are at last!
M: Our flight was delayed by the bad weather. You see, I should have come by train.

How did the man arrive ()
A. By train.
B. By air.
C. By sea.
D. By coach.

W: Oh, I’ m too sleepy to study.
W: Well, Bob, if you hadn’ t watched that late movie last night, you wouldn’ t be so sleepy.

What can we learn about Bob ()
A. He fell asleep late watching TV last night.
B. He stayed up late studying last night.
C. He stayed up late watching a film last night.
D. He did not get any sleep last night.

Two businessmen were invited to dinner at the home of a college professor. One of the men did not have much education and was worried that he might make, a fool of himself, but his friend said, "Don’t worry. Just do what I do, and don’t talk about anything that you don’t really understand.
The first man managed to get through the dinner successfully, but by the end of the evening he had had a lot to drink, and began to get careless.
A guest asked him whether he liked Shakespeare, and he answered confidently, "It’s very pleasant, but I prefer Caco Cola." There was an uncomfortable silence in the room, and soon people began to leave.
When the two friends were out of the house, the second man said to his friend, "You certainly made a fool of yourself making that silly remark about Caeo Cola."
"What do you mean" asked the other man. "What was wrong with it"


M: Please buy two packets of cigarettes for me while you are at the store.
W: I’m not going to any store. I’m going to see Aunt Mary. But I will get them for you at the gas station.

Where will the woman stop on her way ()
A. At a cigarette store.
B. At a bus station.
C. At a gas station.
D. At Aunt Mary’s.

M: Oh, Emma. I do wish you wouldn’t wear such awful clothes.
W: But. Daddy. They’re really fashionable at the moment.

What does the man think of the clothes ()
A. They are fashionable at the moment.
B. They are very ugly.
C. They are too old to wear,
D. They are very comfortable.


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