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发布时间:2023-10-22 21:09:35

[填空题]Whether leaders are born or made has been a subject of intense debate almost since the beginning of time. But, with current management theory indicating that "we are all leaders now", the issue is (47) ever greater importance.
In The Leadership Gene, Cyril Levicki makes a(n) (48) contribution without really coming down on one side or the other. Although he leans towards the "born" rather than "made" school, he comes up with a sort of (49) based on the premise (前提) that "leaders need to be born with a set of genetic characteristics which create the raw materials from which leadership may be (50) ."
Adopting the biological terminology(术语学)that has become fashionable in the management world, he adds that "if the gene of leadership is housed within the leader at birth, the chromosomes(染色体) form the (51) of the leader’s development as a child and during the early evolution of their psyche(自我)." The gene is only the startin

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[填空题]Whether leaders are born or made has been a subject of intense debate almost since the beginning of time. But, with current management theory indicating that "we are all leaders now", the issue is (47) ever greater importance.
In The Leadership Gene, Cyril Levicki makes a(n) (48) contribution without really coming down on one side or the other. Although he leans towards the "born" rather than "made" school, he comes up with a sort of (49) based on the premise (前提) that "leaders need to be born with a set of genetic characteristics which create the raw materials from which leadership may be (50) ."
Adopting the biological terminology(术语学)that has become fashionable in the management world, he adds that "if the gene of leadership is housed within the leader at birth, the chromosomes(染色体) form the (51) of the leader’s development as a child and during the early evolution of their psyche(自我)." The gene is only the startin
[单项选择]Thackeray has been born into a comfortably secure upper-middle-class family, and reared to expect the leisured life of a gentleman. However, partly through bad luck and bad financial advice, partly through his own profligacy in early youth-he was at Cambridge and for some years afterwards a compulsive gambler —he had been left with nothing to rely on but his brains and energy. He dreamed of writing a great novel; but he was well aware that while he dreamed and dawdled, writers whom he despised, such as Bulwer-Lytton, were writing best-sellers.
Writing had not been his first choice of profession. To please his mother he spent some tedious months studying law, but his earliest ambition was to be a painter. He studied art in London and Paris before deciding that his talent was too small for him to be anything but an amateur painter, though he continued to draw professionally, and illustrated most of his own novels. He then turned to journalism. In 1836, while he was still strugglin
A. which had bad luck
B. which he could not rely on
C. which was quite well-off
D. which expected him to be a writer.
[单项选择]What progress has been made in their negotiations
A. Israeli troops can stay on in the West Bank.
B. Israel has released thousands of prisoners.
C. PLO and Israel have made a final agreement.
D. Agreement has been reached on the future of Hebron.
[单项选择]For what occasion has the cake been made
A. A wedding
B. A birthday party
C. A conference reception
[单项选择]What change has been made in the marketing arrangement
A. A new consultancy has been contracted.
B. A new director has been appointed.
C. The present department has been expanded.
[简答题]Once the contact has been made the importer will base his order on material which is sent to him or on samples that are sometimes sent or can be looked at in showrooms.
Orders can be placed on a firm or temporary basis, for example firm 20 days only. The quotation made by the seller can also be firm or temporary. Orders which are made by buyers are confirmed by letter, and buyer is obligated to them by law. Once the order is accepted by the seller, he too is obligated to it by law, and can be sued if the contract is broken, e.g. if the goods are not delivered in the time than has been given.


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