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发布时间:2023-11-01 02:30:50

[单项选择]During the voyage, Darwin collected a good deal of information about living things, which ______led to his famous book "On the Origin of Species".
A. lastly
B. completely
C. essentially
D. eventually

更多"During the voyage, Darwin collected"的相关试题:

[单项选择]During the voyage, Darwin collected a good deal of information about living things, which ______ led to his famous book "On the Origin of Species".
A. lastly B. completely
C. essentially D. eventually
[单项选择]It must be admitted that a good deal of dissatisfaction is reflected in those report.
A. 它必须被承认,也就是说这些报道反应了很多不满情绪。
B. 必须承认,这些报道反应了很多不满情绪。
C. 我们必须承认,这些报道确实反应了很多潜在的不满情绪。
D. 这些报道反映出很多不满情绪的这个事实是应该被承认的。
[单项选择]Mary has derived a good deal of benefit from her job.
A. obtained
B. accepted
C. bribed
D. produced
[单项选择]A good deal of the () for his achievement in this field must go to his supervisor, Professor Fang.
A. credit
B. reputation
C. respect
D. praise
[填空题]We got to work and succeeded, after a good deal of _____, in making our butter.
[单项选择]A good deal of the()for his achievement in this field must go to his super visor, Professor Fang.
A. credit
B. reputation
C. respect
D. praise
[单项选择]If you drive a good deal, consider()radial tires.
A. use
B. used
C. using
D. to use
[填空题]You have had a good deal of (extra)()work today.
[填空题]You have had a good deal of (extra)______ work today.

It would do a great deal of good if we started using the term "advisers" instead of "teachers" for those who try to help people to learn foreign languages. It would emphasize that what learners need is individual attention. It would also remind everyone that the responsibility for learning is basically the student’ s. What the students needs is somebody who can do two things: (① show her or him how to learn a foreign language; ② answer questions about the language. Those questions must be thought of by the students. (46) If students do not find questions to ask--whole streams of questions--it is a sign that either they are not really interested enough to do the thinking for themselves that is crucial, or they do not know how to.
The spirit that language learns need before anything else is curiosity. If they do not have that, they are wasting their time. (47) This means, in turn, that their guides do not need training in linguistic or ed


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