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发布时间:2024-08-01 01:50:02

[填空题]No member state has been driven out of the UN due to violating the principles of the Charter since it has been founded.

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[填空题]No member state has been driven out of the UN due to violating the principles of the Charter since it has been founded.
[单项选择]Which problem has been sorted out
A. The position of the drinking machine.
B. The amount of light in the new office.
C. The desk plan for the ground floor.
[单项选择]For more than 40 years, Earth has been sending out distress signals. At first they were subtle, like the thin shells of bald-eagle eggs that cracked because they were laced (使混合) with DDT. Then the signs were unmistakable, like the covering of smoke over the Amazon rain forest, where farmers and ranchers (牧场主人) set fire to clear land. Finally, as the new millennium drew near, it was obvious that Earth’s pain had become humanity’s pain. The collapse of the North Atlantic cod (鳕鱼) fishery put 30,000 Canadians out of work and ruined the economies of 700 communities. In 1998, deforestation worsened China’s floods, which killed 3,600 people and left 14 million homeless. Population pressures and overcrowding raised the toll from 1999’s rains in Latin America, which killed more than 30,000 people and created armies of environmental refugees.
And how have we responded to four decades of ever louder distress signals We’ve staged a procession, of Earth Days, formed Green parties, passed env
A. Even though people around the world have taken various measures to save the earth, many ecosystems still keep declining.
B. As our world evolves, the relationship between Earth and humanity becomes closer and closer.
C. It’s essential and important to carry out a thorough research on the current state of the whole earth.
D. The continuous deterioration of the global environment has awakened most human beings to the importance of environmental protection.
[简答题]The recent gasoline price hike has brought some unexpected good results--it has spurred consumer interest in small cars that use less fuel. But there’re discriminatory restrictions against small cars in China, for example, in many cities and regions small cars are not allowed to use expressways or enter downtown areas. And consumers are reluctant to choose the small cars. In contrast, the European Commission requires European cars manufacturers to reduce carbon dioxide emissions for passenger cars, forcing automakers to produce lighter cars with smaller engines.
Topic: Is a smaller and lighter car a better choice
Questions for Reference:
1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of a smaller and lighter car
2. Does your family have a car What are your standards to choose a car
3. Though a smaller and lighter car can play a positive role in environmental protection, many people still prefer a big and expensive car. Why What is a ration
[单项选择]Passage ThreeA. Everything at State University has changed in the past ten years.
B. Although the campus looks the same, some things have changed at State University.
C. The commitments of the State University remain the same in spite of some changes.
D. Everything has stayed the same at State University during the past ten years.
[填空题]The Empire State Building has 103 floors, 1860 stairs, 73 elevators, 5 entrances, and 6,500 windows in total.

Every human has a very unique arrangement of the skin on his finger and this arrangement is unchangeable. Scientists and experts have proved the uniqueness (独特性) of fingerprints and discovered that no exactly similar pattern (式样) is passed on from parents to children, though nobody knows why this is the case.
The ridge (脊状) structure on a person’s lingers does not change with the growth and is not affected by superficial (表面的) injuries. Burns, cuts and other damage to tile outer part of the skin will be replaced in time by the new one which bears a reproduction (再现) of the original pattern. It is when the inner skin is injured that tile arrangement will be destroyed. Stone criminals make use of tilts fact to remove their own fingerprints but this is a dangerous and rare step to take.
Fingerprints call be made very easily wit
A. a person’s fingerprints are similar to his father’s
B. a criminal can change his fingerprints by injuring the outer skin
C. a person’s fingerprints are passed on from his parents
D. a criminal can change his fingerprints by damaging the inner skin
[单项选择]Which state has the largest population
[填空题]How many years has she been married?
She has been married ().


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