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发布时间:2024-02-05 05:20:39

{{B}}TEXT B{{/B}}

Some heartening statistics were reported last year by the Journal of the National Cancer Institute: the mortality rate for breast cancer dropped nearly five percent between 1989 and 1992, the Largest decline since 1950. The numbers were even more dramatic for young women: between 1987 and 1992, the mortality rate plummeted nearly 18 percent among white women younger than 40.
But discouraging news also surfaced: the mortality rate among black women has gone up, and the number of reported breast cancer cases is rising as well. Twenty years ago a woman’s lifetime risk of breast cancer was one in 12; now it’s one in eight.
Nevertheless, we’re on the verge of a revolution in treating this disease. Researchers now have a clear picture of how a cancer cell becomes a tumor -- and how cells break free from a tumor and glide through the bloodstream to seed a new one in another part of the body. And they better un
A. The mortality rate for breast cancer dropped.
B. The mortality rate among black women has increased.
C. The number of reported breast cancer cases is rising.
D. A woman’s lifetime risk of breast cancer is rising.

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{{B}}TEXT B{{/B}}

Some heartening statistics were reported last year by the Journal of the National Cancer Institute: the mortality rate for breast cancer dropped nearly five percent between 1989 and 1992, the Largest decline since 1950. The numbers were even more dramatic for young women: between 1987 and 1992, the mortality rate plummeted nearly 18 percent among white women younger than 40.
But discouraging news also surfaced: the mortality rate among black women has gone up, and the number of reported breast cancer cases is rising as well. Twenty years ago a woman’s lifetime risk of breast cancer was one in 12; now it’s one in eight.
Nevertheless, we’re on the verge of a revolution in treating this disease. Researchers now have a clear picture of how a cancer cell becomes a tumor -- and how cells break free from a tumor and glide through the bloodstream to seed a new one in another part of the body. And they better un
A. They know how a tumor is developed.
B. They know how a new tumor is seeded in the body.
C. They know how the female hormone estrogen makes breast cancer cells grow.
D. They know breast cancer is a death sentence to women.

Some heartening statistics were reported last year by the Journal of the National Cancer Institute: the mortality rate for breast cancer dropped nearly five percent between 1989 and 1992, the Largest decline since 1950. The numbers were even more dramatic for young women: between 1987 and 1992, the mortality rate plummeted nearly 18 percent among white women younger than 40.
But discouraging news also surfaced: the mortality rate among black women has gone up, and the number of reported breast cancer cases is rising as well. Twenty years ago a woman’s lifetime risk of breast cancer was one in 12; now it’s one in eight.
Nevertheless, we’re on the verge of a revolution in treating this disease. Researchers now have a clear picture of how a cancer cell becomes a tumor -- and how cells break free from a tumor and glide through the bloodstream to seed a new one in another part of the body. And they better understand how the female hormone estrogen mak
A. The mortality rate for breast cancer dropped.
B. The mortality rate among black women has increased.
C. The number of reported breast cancer cases is rising.
D. A woman’s lifetime risk of breast cancer is rising.


Part B
Directions: In the following text, some sentences have been removed. For questions 41--45, choose the most suitable one from the list A--G to fit into each of the numbered blanks. There is one extra example which you do not need to use. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.
We don’t see or hear them, but every day they quietly go about their work--filtering and cleansing our rivers and streams. And if we don’t act soon, they’ll disappear from the workforce just when we need them most. I am talking about pigtoes, monkeyface, pink heelsplitter and purple wartyback--freshwater mussels (贻贝) with funny names that belie the seriousness of their labors. (41) .
One mussel alone can cleanse as much as a gallon of water per hour. Add up the work of a whole mussel community, and you get a virtual water treatment plant. According to Ethan Nedeau, an expert on the freshwater mussels of Ne


Part B Directions: In the following text, some sentences have been removed. For Questions 41-45, choose the most suitable one from the list [A]-[G] to fit into each of the numbered blanks. There are two extra choices, which do not fit in any of the blanks. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. Policy-makers and the media, particularly in the United States, frequently assert that climate science is highly uncertain. Some have used this as an argument against adopting strong measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. For example, while discussing a major U. S. Environmental Protection Agency report on the risks of climate change, then-EPA administrator Christine Whitman argued, "As the report went through review, there was less consensus on the science and conclusions on climate change". Some corporations whose revenues might he adversely affected by controls on carbon dioxide emissions have also alleged major uncertainties in the science. 41. _____


Part B Directions: In the following text, some sentences have removed. For Questions 41-45, choose the most suitable one from the list A-G to fit into each of the numbered blanks. There are two extra choices, which do not fit in any of the blanks. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. ( 10 Points) The acronym DINK -- double income, no kids -- originated in the US in the 1960s. 41._______________________________ This choice was not irrational. After all, nowadays retired people can live on their pensions and savings, so they are no longer compelled to depend on their offspring in old age. And a child is undeniably an expensive proposition: so much time and money are required. Why bother having one It is hard to condemn those who opt out of parenthood. 42._______________________________. A baby enters the world with a mind like blank paper, and gradually he or she acquires the ability to think, to talk and finally to communicate easily. Isn’t there something magi


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