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发布时间:2024-07-31 18:48:32


Hostess. If you’re going to create a TV show that deals week after week with things that areunbelievable, you need an actor who can play a believer, you know, a person who tends to believe everything. Tonight, in our show, we have David Duchovny , who is stared in the popular TV series The X-Files. Thanks to his brilliant performance in the TV series, David has become one of the best-known figures in the country.
H: Good evening, David. I’m so glad to have you here.
D: It’s my pleasure. Thanks for inviting me on the show.
H: David, have you often been on the radio shows
D: Oh yes, quite often. To be frank, I love to be on the show.
H: Why
D: You know, I want to know what people think about the TV series and about me, my acting, etc.
H: Ok, David, let’s first talk about the character you played in The X-Files. The character, whose name is Mulder, is supposed to be a believer.
A. He had excellent academic records at school and university.
B. He was once on a PhD programme at Yale University.
C. He received professional training in acting.
D. He came from a single-parent family.

更多"Hostess. If you’re going to c"的相关试题:


Hostess. If you’re going to create a TV show that deals week after week with things that areunbelievable, you need an actor who can play a believer, you know, a person who tends to believe everything. Tonight, in our show, we have David Duchovny , who is stared in the popular TV series The X-Files. Thanks to his brilliant performance in the TV series, David has become one of the best-known figures in the country.
H: Good evening, David. I’m so glad to have you here.
D: It’s my pleasure. Thanks for inviting me on the show.
H: David, have you often been on the radio shows
D: Oh yes, quite often. To be frank, I love to be on the show.
H: Why
D: You know, I want to know what people think about the TV series and about me, my acting, etc.
H: Ok, David, let’s first talk about the character you played in The X-Files. The character, whose name is Mulder, is supposed to be a believer.
A. aliens.
B. UFOs.
C. the TV character.
D. government conspiracies.

[多项选择]Customer Relations: how to create good customer relations

Mark Twain, who wrote the story we are going to read, travelled quite a lot. often because circumstances, usually financial circumstances forced him to. He was born in Florida Missouri in 1835, and moved to Hannibal Missouri with his family when he was about four years old. Most people think he was born in Hannibal, but that wasn’t true. After his father died when he was about 12, Twain worked in Hannibal for a while and then left so that he could earn more money. He worked for a while as a type-setter on various newspapers and then got a job as a river pilot on the Mississippi. Twain loved his job and many of his books showed it. The river job didn’t last, however, because of the outbreak of the Civil War. Twain was in the Confederal Army for just two weeks and then he and his whole company went to West to get away from the war and the army. In Nevada and Califor nia, Twain prospected for silver and gold without much luck but did succeed as a writer. When that happen
A. 1865.
B. 1825.
C. 1835.
D. 1845.

[单项选择]Both plants and animals of many sorts show
remarkable changes in form, structure, growth
habits, and even mode of reproduction in becom-
Line ing adapted to different climatic environment,
(5) types of food supply, or mode of living. This
divergence in response to evolution is commonly
expressed by altering the form and function of
some part or parts of the organism, the original
identity of which is clearly discernible. For
(10) example, the creeping foot of the snail is seen in
related marine pteropods to be modified into a
flapping organ useful for swimming, and is
changed into prehensile arms that bear suctorial
disks in the squids and other cephalopods. The
(15) limbs of various mammals are modified according
to several different modes of life—for swift run-
ning (cursorial) as in the horse and antelope, for
A. Adaptive Divergence
B. Evolution
C. Unusual Structures
D. Changes in Organs
E. (E) Our Changing Bodies
[简答题]still the damn knowledge quiz show on TV   Further Question   Q1 : what kind people will attent it why   Q2 : Do the most people want to attent it Why   Q3 : Do you think there/’ll be more quiz show on TV why   Q4 : Do you like this kind quiz show Why   1toy   2movie star   3admired person in ur family   4hotel u ve lived in
[单项选择]When ate they going to the show
A. Friday morning.
B. Friday afternoon.
C. Friday evening.
[单项选择]In order to improve sales, they’re going to
A. lower price
B. improve quality
C. do promotion campaign


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