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发布时间:2024-08-01 18:54:58


Conversation 2
M: I’ d like to withdraw fifty pounds from my deposit account.
M: Certainly. Would you please sign this form
W: Oh, yes. Here you are.
M: How would you like the money
W: In five, please.
M: Fine, just wait a minute...
W: Thanks.
M: Here you are.

How does the woman like the money in ()
A. In eight five -pound notes.
B. In five ten-pound notes.
C. In ten five-pound notes.
D. In six ten-pound notes.

更多"Conversation 2 M: I’ d like"的相关试题:


Conversation 2
M: I’ d like to withdraw fifty pounds from my deposit account.
M: Certainly. Would you please sign this form
W: Oh, yes. Here you are.
M: How would you like the money
W: In five, please.
M: Fine, just wait a minute...
W: Thanks.
M: Here you are.

Where does this conversation most probably take place ()
A. At a shop.
B. At a bank.
C. At home.
D. At restaurant.
[单项选择]What does the man mean
[A] He doesn’t like the film. [B] He agrees with the woman. [C] He has nothing to say about it.

M: I don’t like our son at all. I like our daughter very much.
W: He is handsome and he is so bright that he is the best one in his class. Why don’t you like him
M: Because he will not treat us well when we are too old to do anything.
W: How do you know that
M: I have learned that from what you and I did.

How does the wife like her son()
A. Her son is handsome and bright.
B. Her son isn’t a good boy.
C. Her son is bad.

M: I’d like to take a trip to Hangzhou for my spring vacation. Can you give me any ideas about where to go
W: I could tell you the places I’ve visited. But I think you’d better get a professional to make your arrangements.

What does the woman suggest the man do ()
A. He go to the places she liked.
B. He take a spring vacation.
C. He see a travel agent.
D. He make his own arrangements.

M: I’d like to withdraw 600 pounds from my deposit account.
W: Certainly. Would you please sign this form
M: Oh, yes. Here you are.
W: How would you like the money
M: In hundreds, please.
W: Fine. Here you are.
M: Thanks. Goodbye.

Where is the man ( )
A. At a bank.
B. At home.
C. At a shop.

M: Number, please
M: Oh, I’d like to make a transferred charge call.
W: Where to, sir
M: Northfield, Minnesota.
W: What number
M: 456-582-8642.
W: Whom are you calling
M: John Walker.
W: May I have your name
M: Shawn Young.
W: How do you spell your last name, please
M: Y-o-u-n-g.
W: And where are you calling from
M: 984-654-8893, Portland.
W: Thank you, sir. Hold the line, please. I’ll put you through.

What is the probable relationship between the man and woman ( )
A. Boss anti secretary.
B. Friends.
C. Caller and operator.
D. Customer and house agent.
[单项选择]In phrases like go swimming, go shopping, or go fishing, the -ing participle is used ()
A. as a command
B. as a purpose
C. for concession
D. for emphasis
[简答题][教学材料] Topic: Do You Like Bananas Listen again. Fill in the blanks.题目:你喜欢香蕉吗再听一遍录音并填空。 [*] Answers(1. hamburgers, 2. hamburgers, 3. broccoli, 4. broccoli, 5. ice cream, 6.ice cream) [微教学实录简况] [T: teacher, Ss: Students, Bb: blackboard] Step1 (The teacher had a volleyball in hand. T asked Ss questions quickly and wrote down the names of Ss and sports things on the Bb. ) (12 min. ) T: I don’t have a basketball. I have a volleyball. Tom, do you have a tennis racket Tom: Yes, I do. T: Jim, what sports things do you have Jim: I have a ping-pong ball. T: Lilei, do you have a soccer ball Lilei: No, I don’t. T: I have a TV. What other things do you have (T drew a picture of TV. ) Ss: Ping-pong bat, computer, chair, book, CD, alarm clock, key, pencil case... T: Well done! (T asked Ss to make sentences according to the information on the Bb. ) T: Now, let’s look at the blackboard and make some sentences. I say "I don’t have a basketb


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