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发布时间:2024-08-01 20:29:29

{{B}}Passage One{{/B}}

Where did the speaker live for five years
A. London.
B. Paris.
C. Singapore.
D. New York.

更多"{{B}}Passage One{{/B}} Whe"的相关试题:

[单项选择]According to the passage, where did the Great Plague spread in the sixth century()
A. From Europe to China.
B. From Ethiopia to Europe.
C. From China to Ethiopia.
D. From Byzantium to China.
Passage One

Where is the sense organs for vemeronasal system in snakes a. At the bottom of the snakes’ mouth. b. On the roof of the snakes’ mouth. c. On the left side of the snakes’ mouth. d. On the right side of the snakes’ mouth.
[单项选择]{{B}}Passage Two{{/B}}

Where was Andrea Doria going
A. Nantucket.
B. New York.
C. Stockholm.
D. Europe.
{{B}}Passage One{{/B}}

When does the speaker say that another significant change in instrument design took place
A. In the early 19th century.
B. In the late 19th century.
C. In the early 20th century.
D. In the mid-20th century.
Passage 1

Where is the Infineon Technologies based a. Geneva. b. Sydney. c. Munich. d. Rome.
Passage 1

It has been argued that where schools become bureaucratized, they become bound up with the techniques and implementation of the managerial process, and may concentrate on concern with position and self-advancement. In so doing, they may neglect the purpose for which they were set up.
Thus, they do not facilitate the development of those who are part of the school community, and tend to neglect the desires of children, parents and society at large.
It is because of such criticisms that there has been an increasing influence in political rhetoric and legislation of free-market theories of organization and society. Such theories suggest that a much more market-oriented, competitive approach is required so that schools reorient themselves towards their "clients". By so doing, it is claimed, not only do they once again address the needs of those with whom they should be primarily concemed, but such an approach also unleashe
A. students
B. students and parents
C. students, parents and teachers
D. teachers and students
[填空题]What did the speaker leave in her chair The speaker left ______ in her chair.

Passage One
Did your mum and dad go to university, or did they leave school and go straight to the Job Centre The educational experience of parents is still important when it comes to how today’s students choose an area of study and what to do after graduation, according to The Future-track research in the UK.
The research was done by the Higher Education Careers Service Unit. It plans to follow university applicants for six years from 2006 through their early careers.
The first year’s findings come from a study of 130,000 university applicants. They show significant differences in prospective students’ approach to higher education, depending on whether their parents got degrees (second-generation applicants) or didn’t (first-generation applicants).
First-generation applicants were more likely to say that their career and employment prospects were uppermost in their minds in deciding to go to university. Abo
A. parents’ experiences are more important for their children’s education
B. parents’ careers are vitally important for their children’s degrees
C. students’ approach to higher education correlates with their parents’ educational experience
D. students’ career and employment prospects are decided by their parents


What does the speak mean a. World War One did not break out over night though it seemed so. b. World War One Came into being in a short period of time. c. World War One had been fought for years. d. World War One did not last for a long time.
[单项选择]"Which coat did your husband buy"
"The black one, but I ______ the green one."
A. would rather have bought
B. would rather buy
C. would have rather bought
D. rather had bought
[单项选择]Passage Two
In a family where the roles of men and women are not sharply separated and where many household tasks are shared to a greater or lesser extent, notions of male superiority are hard to maintain. The pattern of sharing in tasks and in decisions makes for equality, and this in turn leads to further sharing. In such a home, the growing boy and girl learn to accept that equality more easily than did their parents and to prepare more fully for participation in a world characterized by cooperation, rather than by the "battle of the sexes".
Man’s role is sometimes regarded as less important. It’s time to reassess the role of the man in the American family. What we need, rather, is the recognition that bringing up children involves a partnership of equals. Psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers and specialists on the family are bec
A. the role of the father may become a less important one
B. the children will grow up believing that life is a battle of the sexes
C. boys growing up in such families will not do any housework
D. the growing boy and girl will learn to accept that equality of sexes in family life


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