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发布时间:2023-10-23 13:52:33

[单项选择]One’s style of the dress reveals the human obsession with both novelty and tradition. People use clothing to declare their membership in a particular social group; however, the rules for what is acceptable dress for that group may change. In affluent societies, this changing of the rules is the driving force behind fashions. By keeping up with fashions, that is, by changing their clothing style frequently but simultaneously, members of a group both satisfy their desire for novelty and obey the rules, thus demonstrating their membership in the group.   There are some interesting variations regarding individual status. Some people, particularly in the West, consider themselves of such high status that they do not need to display it with their clothing. For example, many wealthy people in the entertainment industry appear in very casual clothes, such as the worn jeans and work boots of a manual laborer. However, it is likely that a subtle but important signal, such as an expensive wristw
A. satisfying an interest in novelty
B. signaling a change in personal beliefs
C. displaying membership in a social group
D. following traditional rules

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[单项选择]One’s style of the dress reveals the human obsession with both novelty and tradition. People use clothing to declare their membership in a particular social group; however, the rules for what is acceptable dress for that group may change. In affluent societies, this changing of the rules is the driving force behind fashions. By keeping up with fashions, that is, by changing their clothing style frequently but simultaneously, members of a group both satisfy their desire for novelty and obey the rules, thus demonstrating their membership in the group.   There are some interesting variations regarding individual status. Some people, particularly in the West, consider themselves of such high status that they do not need to display it with their clothing. For example, many wealthy people in the entertainment industry appear in very casual clothes, such as the worn jeans and work boots of a manual laborer. However, it is likely that a subtle but important signal, such as an expensive wristw
A. To state that individuals status is not important in the West
B. To argue that individuals need not obey every fashion rule
C. To contrast the status of entertainers with that of manual laborers
D. To explain how high status may involve an inverted status display
[单项选择]1 One’s style of dress reveals the human obsession with both novelty and tradition. People use clothing to declare their membership in a particular social group; however, the rules for what is acceptable dress for that group may change. In affluent societies, this changing of the rules is the driving force behind fashions. By keeping up with fashions, that is, by changing their clothing style frequently but simultaneously, members of a group both satisfy their desire for novelty and obey the rules, thus demonstrating their membership in the group.
2 There are some interesting variations regarding individual status. Some people, particularly in the West, consider themselves of such high status that they do not need to display it with their clothing. For example, many wealthy people in the entertainment industry appear in very casual clothes, such as the worn jeans and work boots of a manual laborer. However, it is likely that a subtle but important signal, suc
A. satisfying an interest in novelty
B. signaling a change in personal beliefs
C. displaying membership in a social group
D. following traditional rules

M:I’d like a white dress please,one without collar and belt.
W:This one might suit you,Madam. Try it on please.

What sort of dress does the woman want()
A. A blue one without collar and belt.
B. A blue One with collar rind belt.
C. A white one without collar and belt.
D. A white one with collar and belt.
[单项选择] Human resource is one of the key factors in determining organizational coping and profitability. Despite adverse market conditions and fluctuations, many organizations have implemented changes that seek to improve their competitiveness. The consequences of organizational change, however, can vary. Sometimes, the employees may accept the change readily; at other times, the change is met with resistance and dissatisfaction of the employees. Change and stress are closely related. Because of the feelings of uncertainty, insecurity, and threat that it invokes, organizational change can be extremely stressful for the individual. When change occurs, employees may be stressed by role overload, role ambiguity, and role boundary. According to Selye, a little stress is actually good. When stress is at its optimal level, it can increase human resource potential as it spurs individuals to achieve their best working performances. However stress can become negative and destructive
A. Change can be the motivation of stress and through their mutual interaction, there will be improvement.
B. Stress causes change to occur, and may bring negative effects such as the change of the job and the reduction of the salary.
C. Organizational change is a primary cause of stress and when change occurs, employees often experience role stress.
D. Change and stress are a pair of phenomena that will both appear in the process of employment.
One reason human beings can thrive in all kinds of climates is that they can control the qualities of the air in the enclosed spaces in which they live. Air conditioning is the use of mechanical systems to {{U}} (31) {{/U}} that control in such places {{U}} (32) {{/U}} homes, offices, theaters, institutions, factories, airplanes, and automobiles. The most familiar type of air conditioning is summertime cooling., Although important, this is {{U}} (33) {{/U}} one of several aspects of air conditioning. Other applications {{U}} (34) {{/U}} the control of the humidity (or air moisture), cleanliness, circulation of the air, and heating.
Tests have {{U}} (35) {{/U}} that people generally feel best {{U}} (36) {{/U}} certain temperature, humidity, and air velocity conditions. Temperatures can {{U}} (37) {{/U}} from 21.5°C with 70 percent rel
A. achieve
B. avail
C. amount to
D. assign
[单项选择]The problem of how human speech began is one that men will never cease to explore.
A. 关于如何开始说话这个问题,人类是无法探索的。
B. 人类演讲是怎样起源的问题是人们永远也不会停止探索的。
C. 人类开始演讲这个问题,绝不可能被停止探索。
D. 人类语言是怎样起源的,这是人们永远也不会停止探索的问题。
[单项选择]One of the most fascinating questions about human behavior is each person is different from all others. The answer to this question would explain the aspect of human nature called personality. Some theories assume that inborn characteristics determine human personality. Many observers have hypothesized that each person has a dominant temperament, present from birth, that influences his or her behavior during an entire lifetime. According to one of these theories, people can be classified into four basic types: sanguine, choleric, phlegmatic and melancholic. Each type or temperament is characterized by a unique set of possible strengths and possible weaknesses.
Sanguine people are described as the most outgoing of the four temperaments. They are warm, fun-loving, and like the company of others. Because of these strengths, it is said that sanguines often make good salesmen, actors, or public speakers. Sanguines, however, may have some serious weaknesses. Their problem often come fro


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