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发布时间:2023-10-22 17:12:41


W: I’ye got two tickets for a volleyball match this evening. Why don’t you come
M: Er...No, thanks. I’m not really interested irt volleyball.

What does the man mean()
A. He doesn’t have a ticket.
B. He doesn’t like volleyball.
C. He is not invited to the game.

更多"W: I’ye got two tickets for a"的相关试题:


M: I’ ve got two tickets for a volleyball match this evening. Why don’ t you come
M: Uh, no, thanks. I’ m not very interested in it.
W: Oh, why not Have you ever seen it played
M: No, I haven’ t. But...
W: That’ s what I thought. You don’ t know what you’ ve missing.
M: Don’ t I Why
W: Because it’ s very fast, with lots of action.
M: Really Who’ s playing
W: Two of the best men’ s teams in the world, one from Finland and the other from Belgium.
M: It sounds exciting. Hmm, well, perhaps I’ ll come after all.

What’re the two tickets for ()
A. For a volleyball match.
B. For a basketball match.
C. For a football match.
D. For a baseball match.
Everyone has got two personalities-the one that is shown to the world and the other that is secret and real. You don’t show your secret personality when you’re awake. Because you can control yourself. But when you’re asleep, your sleeping position shows the real you. In a normal night, of course, people often change their position. The important position is the one you go to sleep in.
If you go to sleep on your back, you’re a very open person. You usually believe people and you accept new things or new ideas easily. You don’t like to make people sad, so you never express your real feeling. You’re quite shy.
If you sleep on your stomach, you are a rather secretive person. You worry a lot and you always easily become sad. You usually live for today not tomorrow. This means that you enjoy having a good time.
If you sleep curled up, y
A. When you are awake.
B. When you fall into deep sleep.
C. The moment you go to sleep.
D. when you lie in bed.
[单项选择]Everyone has got two personalities-the one that is shown to the world and the other that is secret and real. You don’t show your secret personality when you’re awake. Because you can control yourself. But when you’re asleep, your sleeping position shows the real you. In a normal night, of course, people often change their position. The important position is the one you go to sleep in.
If you go to sleep on your back, you’re a very open person. You usually believe people and you accept new things or new ideas easily. You don’t like to make people sad, so you never express your real feeling. You’re quite shy.
If you sleep on your stomach, you are a rather secretive person. You worry a lot and you always easily become sad. You usually live for today not tomorrow. This means that you enjoy having a good time.
If you sleep curled up, you are probably a very nervous person. You have a low opinion of yourself. You’re shy and don’t like meeting people. You prefer to be on your o
A. Sleep on haek.
B. Sleep on stomach.
C. Sleep curled up.
D. Both A and


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