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发布时间:2023-10-09 19:36:27

[填空题]Why do you stand and watch the milk (boil) ______ over.

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[填空题]Why do you stand and watch the milk (boil) ______ over.

[单项选择]Why do you stand watch the milk ______ over.
A. boiling
B. boiled
C. to boil
D. being boiled
[单项选择]Why do you stand and watch the milk __________ over
A. boiling
B. boiled
C. to boil
D. being boiled
[单项选择]Did you ever wonder why you see the colors you do or if other animals see the same colors that you see We see light that bounces off of things around us. When the light enters our eyes, special cells tell our brains about the light. These cells are called photoreceptors. Light is made of little bits called photons. When the sun shines, trillions and trillions of these little bits of light fall on the earth. The photons bounce off of almost everything and some of them enter our eyes. Those bits that enter our eyes allow us to see. So, where does the color come from Starting in the 1600s with Sir Isaac Newton, scientists have believed that there are different kinds of photons. Different types give rise to our sense of colors. The different photons are said to have different wavelengths. Sunlight contains all the different wavelengths of photons. The visible wavelength colors can be seen when you look at a rainbow. Raindrops acting as natural prisms produce the colors.
A. Red, white, and blue.
B. Red, green, and yellow.
C. Red, green, violet.
D. Red, green, blue.
[多项选择] Why do you want to look for a new job Why do you want to quit your job
[单项选择]Why do milk teeth begin to fall out
A. Because you are too young.
B. Because you are too old.
C. Because their food supply is cut off.
D. Because food supply are cut off.
[简答题]Why do you think you are qualified for MBA program
[简答题]{{B}}Why do you want to look for a new job Why do you want to quit your job {{/B}}
[单项选择]  Why do you listen to music If you should put this question to a number of people, you might receive answers like these: "I like the beat of music," "I look for attractive tuneful- ness," "I am moved by the sound of choral singing," "I listen to music for many reasons but I could not begin to describe them to you clearly." Answers to this question would be many and diverse, yet almost no one would reply, "Music means nothing to me." To most of us, music means something; it evokes some response. We obtain some satisfaction in listening to music.   For many, the enjoyment of music does not remain at a standstill. We feel that we can get more satisfaction from the musical experience. We want to make closer contact with music in order to learn more of its nature; thus we can range more broadly and freely in the areas of musical style, form, and expression. This book explores ways of achieving these objectives. It deals, of course, with the techniques of music, but only in order to show
A. a pattern of melody.
B. a series of drumbeats.
C. physical movement.
D. existence and experience.


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