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发布时间:2024-01-26 19:31:15

[填空题]While learning a foreign language ,. the greatest problem isn’ t vocabulary or grammar or pronunciation, but ______.

更多"While learning a foreign language ,"的相关试题:

[填空题]The learning of a foreign language was viewed by the Direct Methodologists as ______ to the first language acquisition.
[单项选择]Learning a foreign language can be very frustrating, but it()
A. pay back.
B. pay for.
C. pay up.
D. pay off.
[填空题]How did I feel about learning a foreign language For me, learning a foreign language was very______.
[单项选择]One new()to learning a foreign language is to study the language in its cul tural context.
A. approach
B. solution
C. manner
D. road

Learning a foreign language is one of the most difficult yet most rewarding experiences for me. My experi- ence with English began in junior middle school. Because of a patient teacher and his positive method, .I was eager to study English and stayed at the top of my class. While in senior middle school, however, the method of my teacher made me lose the desire to say anythingin English. That state lasted until I went to college, where unlike the problem I came across in the senior middle school, my class was very large and some students spoke better than I did. So, once again, although for different reasons, I was afraid to speak and felt that my English would stay at the same level forever. Only when I took the online course did I come to reap the benefits from English learning.

How did I feel about learning a foreign language
For me, learning a foreign language was very()
[简答题]语言课程包括Japanses: 选learning language skills
[填空题]The writer believes that learning a foreign language can help a person understand their own language better.

[单项选择] Learning a language When Do We Learn a Language Children begin learning languages at birth (infants pay attention to their parents’’ voices, as opposed to random noises or even other languages), and haven’’t really mastered it subtleties before the age of ten years. Indeed. we never really stop learning our language. This isn’’t exactly the sort of behavior (like foals walking an hour after birth) that we call ’’instinct’’ in animals. Do We learn When We Don’’t Have to But at least it’’s effortless, isn’’t it Well, no, as we can see when children have a choice of languages to learn. What’’s found is that, to be frank, children don’’t learn a language if they can get away with not learning it. Many an immigrant family in the U.S. intends to teach their child their native language; and for the first few years it goes swimmingly so much so that the parents worry that the child won’’t learn English. Then the child goes to schoo
A. Y
B. N


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