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发布时间:2023-10-23 02:49:32

[单项选择] Questions 11 to 13 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions.
Now listen to the passage.

On which day will be the teacher in his office all day
A. Monday.
B. Tuesday.
C. Wednesday.
D. Thursday.

更多"Questions 11 to 13 are based on the"的相关试题:

[单项选择] Questions 57 to 61 are based on the following passage.
Though it now seems merely an episode in the last year of World War I, the influenza pandemic of the autumn of 1918 was one of the three greatest outbreaks of disease in history. Only the plague of Justinian and the Black Death compare with it. A quarter of the world’s population was affected; all in all, it killed 22 million people, almost twice as many as were killed in the war itself. In India, more people died from influenza in a few months than had died from cholera in twenty years. In the United States, half a million people died.
Through centuries, the course of epidemics has run from east to west. The 1918 influenza epidemic followed this pattern, reaching America last. Traditionally, Asia has been the matrix of disease, almost as though there existed, in the vastness of Mongolia, a permanent focus of infection which would erupt periodically into the rest of the world. Some doctors maintained that t
A. 22 million people died.
B. 22 million Americans died.
C. Half as many people died as were killed in World War I.
D. As many people died as were killed in World War I.
[单项选择] Questions 18 to 20 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions.
Now listen to the passage.

What is the central idea in the passage you’ ve heard
A. Home training is more important than school training because a child spends so many hours with his parents.
B. Teachers can and should help parents to understand and further the objectives of the school.
C. Parents unwittingly have hindered and thwarted curricular objectives.
D. There are many ways in which the mathematics program can be implemented at home.
[填空题] Questions 47 to 56 are based on the following passage.
The way in which people use social space reflects their social relationships and their ethnic identity. Early immigrants to America from Europe brought with them a (47) style of living, which they retained until late in the 18th century. Historical records document a group-Oriented (48) , in which one room was used for eating, entertaining guests, and sleeping. People ate soups from a communal pot, (49) drinking cups, and used a common pit toilet. With the development of ideas about individualism, people soon began to shift to the use of (50) cups and plates; the eating of meals that included meat, bread, and vegetables (51) on separate plates; and the use of private toilets. They began to build their houses with separate rooms to (52) guests — living rooms, separate bedrooms for sleeping, separate work areas — kitchen, laundry room, and separate ba
[单项选择]Questions 52 to 56 are based on the following passage.
Video games have become increasingly popular in both arcades and the average American home. People of all ages and from all walks of life are enjoying hours of entertainment by feeding their time and quarters into these flashing, beeping machines. Many skeptics as well as prospective arcade owners have asked what it is that gives Pac Man, Centipede, and a multitude of other popular games their magnetic appeal to millions of players. As a video player myself, I believe there are many answers to that question but three are outstanding.
Before a full-scale attack is launched against young video players for "throwing away" their quarters, one should first consider the rising costs of more traditional forms of entertainment. For instance, eighteen holes of miniature golf or ten frames of bowling will cost the player at least two dollars, and one movie costs four bucks. For just two dollars, a video player can get at
A. they expand the gamers’ horizon of imagination
B. they help the players to keep up with the scientific world
C. they are the most convenient way of learning about science
D. they teach the players to write computer programs by themselves

Questions 14 to 17 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions.
Now, listen to the passage.

Where did Gabriela Mistral start her teaching career()
A. At a country school in Mexico.
B. In a mountain valley of Spain.
C. At a small American college.
D. In a small village in Chile.
[填空题] Questions 47 to 51 are based on the following passage.
Electricity was born at the dawn of the last century. From then on, households have been inundated with a flood of home electric goods. What is the impact of this home electric goods revolution
It is argued here that the home electric goods revolution may liberate women from the home. And it is true that many households never hesitate a second to adopt this new technology or that, however, in fact many of the home electric goods which are advertised as liberating the modem woman tend to have the opposite effect, because they simply change the nature of work instead of eliminating it. Machines have a certain novelty value, like toys for adults. It is certainly less tiring to put clothes in a washing machine, but the time saved does not really amount to much the machine has to be watched, the clothes have to be carefully sorted out first, stains removed by hand, buttons pushed and water changed, clothes tak
[单项选择]Questions 36 to 45 are based on the following passage. As an Alaskan fisherman. Timothy June, 54, used to think that he was safe from industrial pollutants(污染物)at his home in Haines-a town with a population of 2,400 people and 4,000 eagles, with 8 million acres of protected wild land nearby. But in early 2007, June agreed to take part in a 36 of 35 Americans from seven states. It was a biomonitoring project, in which people’s blood and urine(尿)were tested for 37 of chemicals-in this case, three potentially dangerous classes of compounds found in common household 38 like face cream, tin cans, and shower curtains. The results- 39 in November in a report called“Is It in Us”by an environmental group-were rather worrying. Every one of the participants, 40 from an Illinois state senator to a Massachusetts minister, tested positive for all three classes of pollutants. And while the 41 presence of these chemicals does not 42 indicate a health risk, the
[单项选择] Questions 17 to 20 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions.
Now listen to the passage.

Why does the speaker think some students don’t like history
A. History teachers don’t care.
B. Students are too lazy.
C. The professors don’t make it interesting.
D. Students think history is not important.


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