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发布时间:2024-07-24 21:53:34

[填空题]It will take several different insects operating year-round to ___________________________________________.

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[填空题]It will take several different insects operating year-round to ___________________________________________.

[填空题]What did several countries take part in 1864
[填空题]What did several countries take part in in 1864
[填空题]Studies have shown that students who take several tests learn more than _________________________________(看完资料只参加一次测试的学生).

[单项选择]Blinks can take several forms. Besides the blinks that wash the eye, there are those associated with unexpected circumstances (such as loud noises), as well as the voluntary flaps of the eyelids that may express anger or incredulity. Another type, the spontaneous eye blink, is neither voluntary nor reflexive. Most blinks are spontaneous.
Mere eye-rinsing requires a blink no more than once a minute; yet most people blink around 15 times a minute. Why do we blink so frequently Apparently there is a direct relationship between spontaneous blinking and the mind. Scientists can now discern how the frequency and duration of blinks vary according to whether a person is alert, bored, anxious or concentrating.
Studies show first of all that we blink less when we are most alert. A person reading a novel blinks about six times a minute; someone engaged in conversation blinks more than twice as often. Automobile drivers blink less when negotiating distracting city streets than when
A. Once a minute.
B. Once every 4 seconds.
C. Once a tenth of a second.
D. Once a secon
[填空题]The patient has to take several pills each day to ______ (act) high blood pressure.

Retired registered nurses want to take a several-day intensive training program because they want to ______.

[A] Many now take issue with this view. Several economists reckon that the brain-drain hypothesis fails to account for the effects of remittances, for the beneficial effects of returning migrants, and for the possibility that being able to migrate to greener pastures induces people to get more education. Some argue that once these factors are taken into account, an exodus of highly skilled people could turn out to be a net benefit to the countries they leave. Recent studies of migration from countries as far apart as Ghana, Fiji, India and Romania have found support for this "brain gain" idea.
[B] There are more subtle ways in which the departure of some skilled people may aid poorer countries. Some emigrants would have been jobless had they stayed. Studies have found that unemployment rates among young people with college degrees in countries like Morocco and Tunisia are several multiples of those among the poorly educated, perhaps because graduates are more de


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