发布时间:2023-10-22 18:41:41

[单项选择]Guest: It’’s a bit cold here. Host: Oh, I’’m sorry. _____
A. Let me turn on the heater.
B. Please take a seat.
C. Let me take the temperature.
D. I feel all fight myself.

更多"Guest: It’’s a bit cold here. Hos"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Guest: It’’s a bit cold here. Host: Oh, I’’m sorry. _____
A. Let me turn on the heater.
B. Please take a seat.
C. Let me take the temperature.
D. I feel all fight myself.
[单项选择]—How are you geeing on with your work
—Oh,I’m sorry.Things aren’t going so well as ().
A. plans
B. planning
C. planned
D. to plan
A. 3300~2300cm-1
B. 1760,1695cm-1
C. 1610~1580cm-1
D. 1310,1190cm-1
E. 750cm-1

W: Oh...oh dear, oh!
M: I’m so sorry... I think that was my fault...er...hang on, I’ll just pick all your...
W: Oh, no, thank you. You’re so kind...
M: I’ll pick up all your things for you. Here you are. Here’s your bag. Hey, just a minute. I can’t believe it...
W: Oh, no, no, no...
M: You just put your hand into my pocket and took my wallet out!
W: Oh, no, no. Excuse me. It was almost falling out.
M: But...what do you think you’re doing Give it back to me!
W: But here...here it is.
M: Thank you!
W: It was going to fall on the ground...
M: Right. Now, we’ll just go along to the guard of the train...
W: Oh dear, look at my things on the ground! It’s terrible!
M: We’ll just go along to the guard of the train and see what he has to say.
W: But I wasn’t doing anything!

Where does the conversation take pl
A. In the street.
B. At a hotel.
C. On a train.
[单项选择]A.To paint the trash cans.
B.To pick up and sort the trash.
C.To pick up and deliver the trash.
D.To work in the recycling center.
[单项选择]A. Really B. Oh, is it true
C. Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. D. No, I don’t think so.

M: May I see Dr. Smith, please
W: I’m sorry. He has gone to Shanghai on business. He will be back next Friday.

When will Dr. Smith come back ()
A. Next Wednesday.
B. Next Thursday.
C. Next Monday.
D. Next Friday.
[单项选择]可用于鉴别3-OH和5-OH黄酮的是( )
A. 氨性氯化锶
B. 四氢硼钠
C. 二氯氧锆
D. Molish反应
E. 醋酸镁
[单项选择]Who is the host of the program
A. Billy Smith.
B. James White.
C. Jason Whit
[判断题]1mol Ca(OH)2能给出2mol OH- 并能与2molH+ 结合。


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