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发布时间:2023-12-23 06:03:38

[单项选择]A. Lisa might be able to help. B. Lisa is always on the Internet.
C. Sandy is busy with her engagement. D. Sandy is working on her lab reports.

更多"A. Lisa might be able to help. B. "的相关试题:

The Ideal Husband

Science now might be able to explain women’s fascination with Brad Pitt’s face and George Clooney’s eyes. Women seem to (51) potential mate by how masculine their features are, new research shows. Men with square jaws and well-defined brow ridges are seen as good short-term partners, (52) those with more feminine traits such as a rounder face and fuller lips are perceived as better long-term mates.
In the study by Daniel Kruger at the US’s University of Michigan, 854 subjects viewed a series of (53) head shots that had been digitally changed to exaggerate or minimize masculine traits. They then (54) questions about how they expected the men in the photos to behave.
Most participants said that those with more masculine features were (55) to be risky, competitive, and more apt to fight, challenge bosses, cheat on spouses and put less ef
A. make
B. judge
C. date
D. meet

The Ideal Husband

Science now might be able to explain women’s fascination with Brad Pitt’s face and George Clooney’s eyes. Women seem to (51) potential mate by how masculine their features are, new research shows. Men with square jaws and well-defined brow ridges are seen as good short-term partners, (52) those with more feminine traits such as a rounder face and fuller lips are perceived as better long-term mates.
In the study by Daniel Kruger at the US’s University of Michigan, 854 subjects viewed a series of (53) head shots that had been digitally changed to exaggerate or minimize masculine traits. They then (54) questions about how they expected the men in the photos to behave.
Most participants said that those with more masculine features were (55) to be risky, competitive, and more apt to fight, challenge bosses, cheat on spouses and put less effort into parenting. Those with more femini
A. shown
B. told
C. stated
D. said


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