Man first appeared on earth half a million years ago. Then he was little more than an animal; but early man had several big advantages over the animals. He had a large brain, he had an upright body, he had clever hands; and he had in his brain special groups of nerve cells, not present in animals, that enabled him to invent a language and use it to communicate with his fellow men. 46) This ability to speak was of great value because it allowed men to share ideas, and to plan together, so that tasks impossible for a single person could be successfully undertaken by intelligent team-work. Speech also enabled ideas to be passed on from generation to generation so that the stock of human knowledge slowly increased.
It was these special advantages that put men far ahead of other living creatures in the struggle for existence. They can use their intelligence against their difficulties and master them.
Since these far-off times, when he first appeared, man has ach
Man first appeared on earth half a million years ago. Then he was little more than an animal; but early man had several big advantages over the animals. He had a large brain, he had an upright body, he had clever hands; and he had in his brain special groups of nerve cells, not present in animals, that enabled him to invent a language and use it to communicate with his fellow men. 46) This ability to speak was of great value because it allowed men to share ideas and to plan together, so that tasks impossible for a single person could be successfully undertaken by intelligent team-work. Speech also enabled ideas to be passed on from generation to generation so that the stock of human knowledge slowly increased.
It was these special advantages that put men far ahead of other living creatures in the struggle for existence. They can use their intelligence against their difficulties and master them.
Since these far-off times, when he first appeared, man has achi