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发布时间:2023-10-09 08:58:31

{{B}}Passage 1{{/B}}
Software piracy problems exist and have been exacerbated in recent years due to IS overload, decentralized purchasing, budget constraints, general user and corporate management attitudes, lack of knowledge of the copyright laws, and now Internet access. Most organizations have not managed their software very effectively. Determining the extent of the problem is a time-consuming process.
The industry’s response has been to form trade associations to educate the public about the copyright law and to aggressively pursue pirates. Some of the largest PC companies have set up their own in-house programs to combat the problem.
Corporate exposure is increasing due to the need to manage more machines, software and on-line and Internet access. Civil and criminal penalties for copyright infringement have stiffened. As a
A. software companies
B. business companies
C. lawmakers
D. corporate employees

更多"{{B}}Passage 1{{/B}} So"的相关试题:

{{B}}Passage 1{{/B}}
Software piracy problems exist and have been exacerbated in recent years due to IS overload, decentralized purchasing, budget constraints, general user and corporate management attitudes, lack of knowledge of the copyright laws, and now Internet access. Most organizations have not managed their software very effectively. Determining the extent of the problem is a time-consuming process.
The industry’s response has been to form trade associations to educate the public about the copyright law and to aggressively pursue pirates. Some of the largest PC companies have set up their own in-house programs to combat the problem.
Corporate exposure is increasing due to the need to manage more machines, software and on-line and Internet access. Civil and criminal penalties for copyright infringement have stiffened. As a
A. It is a weapon against software piracy.
B. It is an accessory to software piracy.
C. It is the most important cause of software piracy.
D. It has nothing to do with software piracy.
Passage One
Internet piracy refers to the use of the Internet for illegally copying or distributing unauthorized software. In these cases the Internet is the medium for advertising, offering, acquiring, or distributing pirated software.
The Business Software Alliance, a software industry trade association, estimates that there are 840 000 Internet sites selling illegal software as genuine product. Many consumers Who acquire software over the Internet never receive the programs they paid for. Others are not able to get their money back if they discover that the software they acquired is counterfeit. Disreputable Internet businesses often quickly vanish, leaving behind hundreds of dissatisfied consumers.
The ease of creating a Website and then advertising and distributing software through the Internet has increased sales of pirated
A. selling pirated books over the Internet
B. stealing information from other Websites
C. copying or selling unauthorized software over the Internet
D. advertising and selling counterfeit products over the Internet
[简答题]In many developing countries, software piracy has become pandemic. According to Software Publishers Association, 95% of the software in Pakistan is pirated, 89% in Brazil, 88% in Malaysia and 82% in Mexico. (1) Hundreds of tiny gizmo shops in the mazelike streets of Seoul’s Yongsan electronics market offer brandname U.S. made programs for a programer for a fraction of the list price, including Lotus 1-2-3 for $7.50 (suggested retail: $368). New Delhi’s largest pirate outlet is a backroom operation that offers customers a catalog of nearly 400 titles and facilities for making copies for as little as $ 4 a disk ($2.50 for customers who bring their own floppies).
How to combat this rampant piracy (2) The publishers’ first approach was to control it through technical means—by putting codes in their programs that prevented users from copying them.
This strategy worked for a while, or at least until determined pirates found ways to get around it.
[简答题]Write an article on "Combating Software Piracy" in no less than 250 words. Your article should cover A. necessities to fight against software piracy B. measures to fight against software piracy You should write no less than 250 words. Write your article on ANSWER SHEET2.
[单项选择]{{B}}Passage B{{/B}}

Questions 25 to 30 are based on the passage you have just heard.

A. Cycling.
B. Skiing.
C. Football.
D. Tennis.


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