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发布时间:2023-10-03 18:47:55


W: Hi, long time no see. What have you been doing recently
M: I work part-time at a department store near Baiyun Road.
W: Well, it’s just near Caihong Sports Center.
M: Yes, and there is a cinema near the center, the Luisa Cinema. Sometimes I go there for a film.
W: That’s interesting.
M: I agree. And working there is a nice thing.
W: I hope I can find such a good place to work there too.
M: There are many good places where you can work. If you like you can also go to work with me.
W: Really Is there an opening
M: Yes, you can have a try.

What is the man doing near Baiyun Road ()
A. Working.
B. Seeing a film.
C. Shopping.
D. Doing sports.

更多"[听力原文]6-7 W: Hi, long time no see"的相关试题:


W: Hi, long time no see. What have you been doing recently
M: I work part-time at a department store near Baiyun Road.
W: Well, it’s just near Caihong Sports Center.
M: Yes, and there is a cinema near the center, the Luisa Cinema. Sometimes I go there for a film.
W: That’s interesting.
M: I agree. And working there is a nice thing.
W: I hope I can find such a good place to work there too.
M: There are many good places where you can work. If you like you can also go to work with me.
W: Really Is there an opening
M: Yes, you can have a try.

What is the man doing near Baiyun Road ()
A. Working.
B. Seeing a film.
C. Shopping.
D. Doing sports.

M: Hi! Jane, what have you been doing this summer holiday
W: Working, mostly.
M: What kind of work have you been doing
W: I’ve been working in a hotel.
M: What, as a waitress
W: No, I’ve been helping in the kitchen most of the time — washing vegetables, preparing breakfast trays — that sort of thing.
M: Have you been enjoying it Or has it been rather boring
W: It hasn’t been too bad. I’ve found it quite interesting, in fact.
M: And have you earned a lot of money
W: Hardly, but I haven’t done too badly. I’ve been getting $40 a week, plus my meals and my accommodation, so I’ve earned over $500 all together.

Where has the woman worked during her summer holiday ()
A. In a restaurant.
B. In a hotel.
C. In a supermarket.
D. In a library.

W: What would you like to have, Sir
M: Well, I’d like to have some apple juice and a chicken sandwich.

Where are the two speakers()
A. In a restaurant.
B. On a farm.
C. At the man’s home.
D. At a store.

M: What time do you usually have breakfast
W: Around 7:00, but lately I’ve been having trouble getting up in the morning, so I’ve been eating breakfast at 8:00, 9:00 even as late as 10:00.

What time does she usually have breakfast()
A. She never eats breakfast.
B. All the time.
C. At 7:00.
D. At 10:00.

W: What are you going to have, Mark
M: I’m not sure. The roast duck, maybe.
W: It’s a bit expensive.
M: Mm, yes, it is, isn’t it Well, in that case I think I’ll have the beef.
W: Perhaps I will try the chicken and apple pie.
M: What wine shall we have
W: None for me. I’m going to have beer.
M: Beer But the beer’s awful in this place.
W: Really Then I’ll have ... er ... orange juice.

What drink would the woman like to have ()
A. Wine.
B. orange juice.
C. Beer.
D. Black coffe

W: Hi, Xiao Wang. What are you going to do this weekend
M: I’ve no idea. What about you
W: How about going out for some exercises
M: Good idea!
W: Do you like to play tennis
M: You’ve just found the right one.
W: You must play a lot!
M: In fact, I play table tennis more. That’s my favorite sport.
W: Well, that’s fantastic! I think we can go to the court for both these sports.
M: Really I can’t wait going right now.
W: So let’s make it 2 o’clock at the school gate this Saturday afternoon.
M: Ok, see you then.

What is this conversation mainly about ()
A. Hobbies.
B. Weekend arrangements.
C. Table tennis.
D. Tennis.

M: Hi, Jane, do you have some changes I have to make a call on the pay phone.
W: Pay phone Why not use my mobile phone Here you are.

What does the woman suggest the man doing ()
A. Get some changes from Jane.
B. Go to look for a pay phone.
C. Use the woman’ s phone.
D. Pay for the phone call.


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