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发布时间:2023-10-01 20:08:17

Passage One
"If not now, when " the Jewish sage Hillel famously asked, and with "A Serious Man" the Coen brothers have answered. Writer-directors Joel and Ethan have seized the opportunity afforded by the Oscar-winning success of "No Country for Old Men," to make their most personal, most intensely Jewish film, a pitch-perfect comedy of despair that, against some odds, turns out to be one of their most universal as well.
Set in a very specific time and place—the Jewish community in suburban Minneapolis circa 1967—that closely echoes the Coens’ own background, "A Serious Man" is a memory piece re-imagined through the darkest possible lens. Yet the more the man of the title suffers the torments of Job, the more he tries to deal with the unknowability of the usual willfully absurd and decidedly hostile Coen universe, the more we’re encouraged
A. Coen brothers have succeeded in making one of the most universal Jewish films
B. "A Serious Man’ has gained the most popularity as expected
C. "A Serious Man’ has been considered as an Oscar-winning success
D. Coen brothers have combined comedy with tragedy for his film

更多"Passage One 'If not now"的相关试题:

Passage One
"If not now, when " the Jewish sage Hillel famously asked, and with "A Serious Man" the Coen brothers have answered. Writer-directors Joel and Ethan have seized the opportunity afforded by the Oscar-winning success of "No Country for Old Men," to make their most personal, most intensely Jewish film, a pitch-perfect comedy of despair that, against some odds, turns out to be one of their most universal as well.
Set in a very specific time and place—the Jewish community in suburban Minneapolis circa 1967—that closely echoes the Coens’ own background, "A Serious Man" is a memory piece re-imagined through the darkest possible lens. Yet the more the man of the title suffers the torments of Job, the more he tries to deal with the unknowability of the usual willfully absurd and decidedly hostile Coen universe, the more we’re encouraged
A. realizes the great expectations
B. reaps the benefits from perfection
C. gets ready for dealing with troubles
D. is not good at coping with change
[单项选择]Passage One
Between now(June) and Labor Day, millions of Americans will offer up their bodies to the sun’s rays. A tan indicates health and beauty, and most sun worshippers will sacrifice a lot to achieve it. With each hour, the sun’s ultraviolet radiation produces irreversible(不可逆的) damage, hastening the development of unsightly wrinkles. And with each year on the beach or rooftop, the sunbather increases his risk of getting skin cancer. Skin cancer is by far the most common form of cancer. An estimated 400,000 new cases will be detected this year in the United States, and almost all of them can be blamed on overexposure to the sun. Fortunately, most of these cancers are highly curable. But they can be disfiguring and take time to treat.
For that reason, sun worshippers should treat deity with a good deal of awe. Sunburn, of course, is the initial hazard posed by UV radiation. Prolonged exposure to UV, however, interferes with the production of collagen
A. the wrinkles that cannot be seen
B. the skin cancer
C. all kinds of sacrifices
D. healthful beauty

Passage One

When a conductor in Spain asked to see her train ticket, Janet Loops, an exercise instructor from Palo Alto, Calif., reached for her purse-and discovered her wallet was gone. She had no ticket, passport, credit cards, traveler's checks, cash. It took nearly a week to get a new passport and traveler's checks. Her trip was almost ruined.
To guard against such disasters, especially, overseas, some experts suggest carrying your money and documents in a small, flat pouch around your neck and tucked under your clothing. A fanny pack can be used if carried in front, but be alert-it can be cut off. Other possible ways to foil(阻挠) pickpockets: Wrap rubber bands around a wallet to make it harder to lift from a pocket. Have zippers sewn into your blazer pockets.
The key is to stay alert and "pa
A. she had no ticket at all
B. she had sent her ticket to a friend
C. she had left her ticket at home
D. she had had her wallet stolen
Passage One
"If not now, when" the Jewish sage Hillel famously asked, and with "A Serious Man" the Coen brothers have answered. Writer-directors Joel and Ethan have seized the opportunity afforded by the Oscar-winning success of "No Country for Old Men," to make their most personal, most intensely Jewish film, a pitch-perfect comedy of despair that, against some odds, turns out to be one of their most universal as well.
Set in a very specific time and place—the Jewish community in suburban Minneapolis circa 1967—that closely echoes the Coens’ own background, "A Serious Man" is a memory piece re-imagined through the darkest possible lens. Yet the more the man of the title suffers the torments of Job, the more he tries to deal with the unknowability of the usual willfully absurd and decidedly hostile Coen universe, the more we’re encouraged to w

Passage One

When a conductor in Spain asked to see her train ticket, Janet Loops, an exercise instructor from Palo Alto, Calif., reached for her purse-and discovered her wallet was gone. She had no ticket, passport, credit cards, traveler's checks, cash. It took nearly a week to get a new passport and traveler's checks. Her trip was almost ruined.
To guard against such disasters, especially, overseas, some experts suggest carrying your money and documents in a small, flat pouch around your neck and tucked under your clothing. A fanny pack can be used if carried in front, but be alert-it can be cut off. Other possible ways to foil(阻挠) pickpockets: Wrap rubber bands around a wallet to make it harder to lift from a pocket. Have zippers sewn into your blazer pockets.
The key is to stay alert and "pack your c
A. to persuade
B. to give information
C. to give warning and advice
D. to give instruction

Passage One

When Dance Speaks the Unspoken and No Language Is Required
A complete dancer today, is well trained in more than one discipline. The European dance scene has seen a rebirth of the influence of Spanish dance with the fusion of Flamenco and Classical Spanish Dance with other styles. The excitements of these fusions are very present in the Bay Area, which is America’s hotbed of Flamenco.
This heat wave of creation, arrived last summer in Walnut Creek with the premiere concert season of Carolina Lugo’s Brisas de Espa—a Flamenco Dance Company. Carolina’s company not only presents the powerful intense energy of solo flamenco but the grace and joy of classical dances. She herself was trained in classical Spanish dance, which
A. a mixture of different dances
B. a creation on the dance scene
C. a rebirth of mixed disciplines
D. a hotbed of Flamenco


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