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发布时间:2023-10-13 09:36:56

[单项选择]Passage Four
English is a mixture of many different languages. Because of this, the vocabulary of the English language is very large. It is much larger than almost any other language in the world.
Many English words came from Latin, the old language of Rome, and Greek. From Latin we get words like "wine", "us" and "day". From Greek we have words such as "photograph"," Bible" and "ink". Because these two languages are extinct, the words have more often come through other languages such as French, or the German language. There are also words from both Greek and Latin combined— "television", for example, "tele" is Greek for "far" and "vision" comes from Lation meaning "seeing".
Many common English words came from other different places. "tea" is from China, "banana" from West Africa, "potato" from the island of Hati(海地), in the West Indies
A. English and French
B. Roman and Greek
C. Latin and Greek
D. French and German

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[单项选择]Passage Four
English is a mixture of many different languages. Because of this, the vocabulary of the English language is very large. It is much larger than almost any other language in the world.
Many English words came from Latin, the old language of Rome, and Greek. From Latin we get words like "wine", "us" and "day". From Greek we have words such as "photograph"," Bible" and "ink". Because these two languages are extinct, the words have more often come through other languages such as French, or the German language. There are also words from both Greek and Latin combined— "television", for example, "tele" is Greek for "far" and "vision" comes from Lation meaning "seeing".
Many common English words came from other different places. "tea" is from China, "banana" from West Africa, "potato" from the island of Hati(海地), in the West Indies
A. the English do not like to speak other languages
B. it came from different other languages
C. many English words come from Latin
D. Britain has a long history
Passage One
About four years ago, Kerry Sturgill found herself at a career crossroads: Should she stay in an industry populated by extroverts(外向型的人) or jump ship to a more reflective place where introverts like her were in the majority
Career counselors had told her to get out of the highly extroverted public relations fields " so you can be happy and do what you are. " Among the less fast-paced areas they pointed to: art, scientific research, data analysis.
Such a move is definitely the right road for many introverts struggling to fit into an extroverted workplace.
So, just what is an introvert anyway It’s someone who is energized by thought and reflection, while extroverts are energized by socializing. Introverts naturally need to think before they speak. Extroverts use the speaking process to figure out what it is they want t
A. introverts should try to avoid working in a highly extroverted environment
B. introverts should try to change themselves to fit into an extroverted working environment
C. extroverts should work in less fast-paced areas such as art and scientific research
D. introverts can be happier if they can find jobs in the field of public relations
[单项选择]Passage Four
A very strange old man used to live in our town. He didn’t do anything as the rest of people did. He lived alone and didn’t talk to anybody. He liked to walk in the woods where there were no roads, following the narrow paths made by animals. People were afraid of him. They thought he was crazy and might do something terrible, like hurting one of the children.
One day a little boy disappeared. His parents looked for him for hours, and finally the whole town started a search of the woods. Some people thought the strange old man had taken the child away.
Several hours later, the boy was found, very cold and hungry, and it was the old man, who knew the woods so well, who had found him. After that, he still lived alone and walked in the woods, but no one was afraid of him any more.
The old man was
A. he liked to live alone
B. people didn’t like him and were afraid of him
C. he liked to walk in the woods without roads
D. he didn’t do anything as the others did
[填空题]This passage deals with four factors that affect people’s demand for certain demanded goods.


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