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发布时间:2024-07-31 06:02:33

[单项选择]Mary: Hello, Lucy! Let’s go to the post office. I want to send a letter.
Lucy: OK. Let’s go. I want to send some postcards.
Mary: Where do you send your postcards
Lucy: I’ll send them to America. And where do you send it
Mary: I think ten yuan or more.
Lucy: That’s too expensive.
Mary: I think so.
Lucy: Why not send an e-mail on the computer
Mary: That’s a good idea. Let’s go and find a computer.
Lucy: Can you write an e-mail
Mary: Yes, I can.
Mary can’t write an e-mail.
[A] True. [B] False.

更多"Mary: Hello, Lucy! Let’s go to the "的相关试题:

[单项选择]Mary: Hello, Lucy! Let’s go to the post office. I want to send a letter.
Lucy: OK. Let’s go. I want to send some postcards.
Mary: Where do you send your postcards
Lucy: I’ll send them to America. And where do you send it
Mary: I think ten yuan or more.
Lucy: That’s too expensive.
Mary: I think so.
Lucy: Why not send an e-mail on the computer
Mary: That’s a good idea. Let’s go and find a computer.
Lucy: Can you write an e-mail
Mary: Yes, I can.
Lucy will send her postcards to America.
[A] True. [B] False.

Mary: Hello. Is Linda there Linda: Hello, Mary.(1)is Linda. Mary: Will you go shopping with me tomorrow Linda: Sorry. Its not a very good (2). Could you speak more(3), please Mary: Sure. I said, will you go shopping with me tomorrow I want to buy a pair of glasses. Linda: Sorry,I have to(4)for the exam. Mary: It doesnt(5),we can go shopping next time. Linda: Thats very kind of you to say so.See you. Mary: See you.

[单项选择]Where will Lucy go on Saturday

Bill: Hello, Mary. Why are you standing here in the cold wind
Mary: (), but buses are very full at this time of the day.
Bill: Where are you going This isn’t your way home.
Mary: But I’m not going home now. I’m going for a walk in the park.

A. I’m going home
B. I’m going to work
C. I’m waiting for somebody
D. I’m waiting for a bus

M: Hello, Mary. This is Edward speaking.
W: Hello, Edward. Surprised to receive your call at this time. How about your life abroad
M: Everything is OK here.
W: Glad to hear that. Will you return for Christmas
M: Maybe next month.
W: Then we should have a party.
M: Great. Don’t forget to invite Tom and Susan.
W: Certainly not. Call me if you want us to meet you at the airport.
M: I will. Bye.

When will Edward return ()
A. This month.
B. After Christmas.
C. Next month.
D. Next year.

M: Hello, Mary. Do you feel like going to a movie with me this evening
W: Thanks, I’d love to. I have not been to a movie for ages.

What are the speakers going to do this evening()
A. To see a friend.
B. To see a movie.
C. To see a play.

M: Hello, Mary. Do you feel like going to a movie with me this evening
W: Thanks, I’d love to. I have not been to a movie for ages.

What are the two speakers going to do this evening ()
A. To see a play.
B. To see a movie.
C. To see a friend.


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